quarta-feira, 6 de maio de 2009

Current Archaeological theory



University of the Magdalena, World Archaeological Congress, Fulbright Colombia and the Colombian Society of Archaeology invite to the Workshop "Current Archaeological theory" oriented by Dr. Joan Gero. This Workshop will be held the week of the 25th of May at Santa Marta, Colombia. This Workshop is directed mainly to students of last semesters in anthropology (no excluding) from Colombia and near countries that find important to discuss some subjects and/or topics with Dr Gero having in account the theoretical trajectory of Professor Gero. The workshop wants expand the horizons of research of the students and is our desire that from the discussions we could to publish a Dossier in our journal called Jangwa Pana (Knowledge in local language). 

For all the students interested we require a short application with the following information:

A. The subject that the students wants to discuss with the Dr. Gero. 

B. Economic Possibilities to attend the workshop. 

C. Requirements to attend the workshop (e.g. lodging and feeding).


Note: By the program archaeologist without borders of WAC we will be able to offer a short financial aid for cover some cost of travelling, lodging and feeding. All those applicants must be full paid member of WAC.


The deadline for the applications is: 15th may.


Please send the information to the following email: wilhelmlondono@gmail.com 


In order to expand the number of participants we will very grateful for any kind of donations. These ones could be send directly to WAC.


Thanks a lot,

Wilhelm Londono

Department of Anthropology

University of Magdalena

Source: WAC List

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