sábado, 6 de junho de 2009

archaeology and the crisis

Announcing the opening of a webpage dedicated to 'archaeology and the crisis': 




This webpage aims to bring together, make available and monitor information on the effects of the ongoing global economic crisis on archaeology, on a country by country basis. 

On this webpage you can send information (via an online formulary) and also browse the latest data and syntheses on the effects of the crisis, along four overlapping themes: 

    (a) Research funding and priorities

    (b) Professional employment and skills

    (c) Conservation and public outreach, and

    (d) Heritage management, policies and legislation


Information in this webpage (which can be provided anonymously) is open to comments and additions, periodically updated and reviewed to highlight possible trends. This will serve us all to better grasp and compare the immediate and long term effects of the crisis on archaeology - and hopefully also to contribute to our bouncing back. 


This webpage is an initiative of the EC-Culture programme funded ACE network – Archaeology in Contemporary Europe: Professional Practices and Public Outreach. 



Nathan Schlanger

Recherche et développement international

INRAP - Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives

7 rue de Madrid, 75008 PARIS




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