terça-feira, 30 de junho de 2009
consideração moral curta, a contra-corrente
Imagens de Zagreb
Animação litoral de verão
Odeio. Provoca-me fúria selvagem, fico fou furieux. Não respeita nada nem ninguém. São berros e roncos pela noite fora. Coisa horrível, pior que as torturas do Inferno.
Alguém sabe de alguma petição contra isto?!
Não serve de nada, mas enquanto se assina tem-se a sensação de que pelo menos se desabafa alguma coisa. Nunca pude com as chamadas "animações" pró pobo. Qu'horror, como diz uma amiga minha. Que mania que havia de dar às pessoas, destruir tudo o que há de mais belo na vida, sobrepondo a cacofonia horrível ao belo som do mundo.
Momentos de Zagreb
o meu novo imac...
segunda-feira, 29 de junho de 2009
Momentos de Zagreb
just honey, sugar, or ice cream
Zagreb: o merecido almoço depois do esforço (tarde do dia 27 de Junho)
Theorethical Archaeology Group Conference - Durham, December 2009 - our contribution
An important book... and author!

Donald Mackenzie
Paperback: 392 pages
Publisher: The MIT Press (30 Sep 2008)
Language English
ISBN-10: 0262633671
ISBN-13: 978-0262633673
Book Description
In "An Engine, Not a Camera", Donald MacKenzie argues that the emergence of modern economic theories of finance affected financial markets in fundamental ways. These new, Nobel Prize-winning theories, based on elegant mathematical models of markets, were not simply external analyses but intrinsic parts of economic processes.Paraphrasing Milton Friedman, MacKenzie says that economic models are an engine of inquiry rather than a camera to reproduce empirical facts. More than that, the emergence of an authoritative theory of financial markets altered those markets fundamentally.MacKenzie examines the role played by finance theory in the two most serious crises to hit the world's financial markets in recent years. He also looks at finance theory that is somewhat beyond the mainstream - chaos theorist Benoit Mandelbrot's model of "wild" randomness. MacKenzie's pioneering work in the social studies of finance will interest anyone who wants to understand how America's financial markets have grown into their current form.
About the Author
Donald MacKenzie is Professor of Sociology (Personal Chair) at the University of Edinburgh. His books include Inventing Accuracy (1990), Knowing Machines (1996), and Mechanizing Proof (2001) all published by the MIT Press.
See also:
(book: "Do Economists Make Markets?: On the Performativity of Economics", ed. by Mackenzie et al., 2008)
Croatian National Theater, Zagreb
About this conference (MISPERFORMANCE) :
Images from PSI 15 (Performance Studies International) conference, in Zagreb, Croatia
domingo, 28 de junho de 2009
Slavoj Zizek
When an authoritarian regime approaches its final crisis, its dissolution as a rule follows two steps. Before its actual collapse, a mysterious rupture takes place: all of a sudden people know that the game is over, they are simply no longer afraid. It is not only that the regime loses its legitimacy, its exercise of power itself is perceived as an impotent panic reaction. We all know the classic scene from cartoons: the cat reaches a precipice, but it goes on walking, ignoring the fact that there is no ground under its feet; it starts to fall only when it looks down and notices the abyss. When it loses its authority, the regime is like a cat above the precipice: in order to fall, it only has to be reminded to look down…
In Shah of Shahs, a classic account of the Khomeini revolution, Ryszard Kapuscinski located the precise moment of this rupture: at a Tehran crossroad, a single demonstrator refused to budge when a policeman shouted at him to move, and the embarrassed policeman simply withdrew; in a couple of hours, all Tehran knew about this incident, and although there were street fights going on for weeks, everyone somehow knew the game is over. Is something similar going on now?
There are many versions of the events in
Finally, the saddest of them all are the Leftist supporters of Ahmadinejad: what is really at stake for them is Iranian independence. Ahmadinejad won because he stood up for the country’s independence, exposed elite corruption and used oil wealth to boost the incomes of the poor majority – this is, so we are told, the true Ahmadinejad beneath the Western-media image of a holocaust-denying fanatic. According to this view, what is effectively going on now in
Opposed as they are, all these versions read the Iranian protests along the axis of Islamic hardliners versus pro-Western liberal reformists, which is why they find it so difficult to locate Mousavi: is he a Western-backed reformer who wants more personal freedom and market economy, or a member of the cleric establishment whose eventual victory would not affect in any serious way the nature of the regime? Such extreme oscillations demonstrate that they all miss the true nature of the protests.
The green color adopted by the Mousavi supporters, the cries of “Allah akbar!” that resonate from the roofs of Tehran in the evening darkness, clearly indicate that they see their activity as the repetition of the 1979 Khomeini revolution, as the return to its roots, the undoing of the revolution’s later corruption. This return to the roots is not only programmatic; it concerns even more the mode of activity of the crowds: the emphatic unity of the people, their all-encompassing solidarity, creative self-organization, improvising of the ways to articulate protest, the unique mixture of spontaneity and discipline, like the ominous march of thousands in complete silence. We are dealing with a genuine popular uprising of the deceived partisans of the Khomeini revolution.
There are a couple of crucial consequences to be drawn from this insight. First, Ahmadinejad is not the hero of the Islamist poor, but a genuine corrupted Islamo-Fascist populist, a kind of Iranian Berlusconi whose mixture of clownish posturing and ruthless power politics is causing unease even among the majority of ayatollahs. His demagogic distributing of crumbs to the poor should not deceive us: behind him are not only organs of police repression and a very Westernized PR apparatus, but also a strong new rich class, the result of the regime’s corruption (
Second, one should draw a clear difference between the two main candidates opposed to Ahmadinejad, Mehdi Karroubi and Mousavi. Karroubi effectively is a reformist, basically proposing the Iranian version of identity politics, promising favors to all particular groups. Mousavi is something entirely different: his name stands for the genuine resuscitation of the popular dream which sustained the Khomeini revolution. Even if this dream was a utopia, one should recognize in it the genuine utopia of the revolution itself. What this means is that the 1979 Khomeini revolution cannot be reduced to a hard line Islamist takeover – it was much more. Now is the time to remember the incredible effervescence of the first year after the revolution, with the breath-taking explosion of political and social creativity, organizational experiments and debates among students and ordinary people. The very fact that this explosion had to be stifled demonstrates that the Khomeini revolution was an authentic political event, a momentary opening that unleashed unheard-of forces of social transformation, a moment in which “everything seemed possible.” What followed was a gradual closing through the take-over of political control by the Islam establishment. To put it in Freudian terms, today’s protest movement is the “return of the repressed” of the Khomeini revolution.
And, last but not least, what this means is that there is a genuine liberating potential in Islam – to find a “good” Islam, one doesn’t have to go back to the 10th century, we have it right here, in front of our eyes.
The future is uncertain – in all probability, those in power will contain the popular explosion, and the cat will not fall into the precipice, but regain ground. However, it will no longer be the same regime, but just one corrupted authoritarian rule among others. Whatever the outcome, it is vitally important to keep in mind that we are witnessing a great emancipatory event which doesn’t fit the frame of the struggle between pro-Western liberals and anti-Western fundamentalists. If our cynical pragmatism will make us lose the capacity to recognize this emancipatory dimension, then we in the West are effectively entering a post-democratic era, getting ready for our own Ahmadinejads. Italians already know his name: Berlusconi. Others are waiting in line.
Fonte: Support Iran
sábado, 27 de junho de 2009
Um dos sintomas que me parece mais interessante dessa para-modernidade são as pequenas cabines chamadas de "cabines de meditação", que encontrei quer em Paris, quer em Sofia. Elas substituem os antigos locais de oração (conheci sobretudo capelas) que existiam nos aeroportos. Antigamente existia o local de oração de uma religião, hoje existe uma espécie de para-lugar, onde todos, independentemente do seu credo, se podem recolher e rezar (ou melhor, conforme é dito como apelido desses lugares: para meditar).
O aeroporto no seu todo é um para-lugar, mais do que um não-lugar. Nele se cruzam um conjunto de personagens, cada um assumindo um papel muito próprio. Ao divagar pelo aeroporto deparamo-nos com a encenação do surfista, do homem-de-negócios, do senhor, da senhora, enfim, uma miríade de personagens. Dentro do espaço do aeroporto e do avião parece haver um afinco na persona-lidade de cada um, muito por culpa da massificação destes espaços. Perante a multidão o Ego é um elemento em perigo. No aeroporto sabemos que podemos ser fácilmente ninguém (escrevo-vos sob o anonimato de um casual qualquer, semi-vagabundo, à entrada de uma casa-de-banho, local que me foi indicado para poder estar com o portátil ligado à electricidade). É também nestas situações que vejo emergir os perversos, aqueles que gozam com a implementação da lei (a chamada de atenção ao outro, o gozo na existência de uma norma, a interpelação da hospedeira, etc). E depois temos a chamada ao consumo, o bem de prestígio, o facto de identificação, aquele "je ne sais quois" que possa aportar satisfação. Tudo jogos de uma para-modernidade, em que o Ego é o peão em jogo.
Bom, está quase a soar a chamada do voo AF.... para Lisboa. É o meu toque a recolher. Lá vou eu para o meu lugar, para assumir não sei bem que papel.Não é muito diferente da interpelação diária para ser o assistente-professor, arqueólogo, encaixado num papel qualquer, para não invadir demasiado a área dos outros. É que isto dos papéis atribuídos é para ser levado mesmo a sério.
Onde começa a Para-noia? Onde começo Eu?
Há algo de para-nous nesta questão da gripe, algo que está fora de, para além da compreensão e nesse sentido existe algo de delírio - uma delusão. Não se trata de algo ilusório, trata-se antes de uma extra-polação, de um tirar para fora, que com isso arrasta a pre-ocupação de muitos. Daí ao pre-conceito é um pulinho. É um sintoma característico do que me parece poder ser caracterizado como a para-modernidade.
Esta questão da gripe não está muito longe de outros movimentos do ego (do "self") que extra-polam vontades e medos. Essa para-noia avança desde o campo do desejo (somos educados a desejar) até ao campo do receio (somos a-visados dos perigos que nos rodeiam). Não é por isso de estranhar que a chamada pós-modernidade tenha assentado tanto na questão da identidade, do se deslocamento e da sua alteridade. O mundo de hoje insiste como nunca no Ego, sendo que nessa insistência nos aprecebemos da sua fragilidade.
A ex-posição (enquanto delusão) ao H1N1 é maior do que à exposição ao vírus, e isso não deixa de ser um fenomeno interessante.
Bom, o meu tempo de Internet gratuita está a terminar. Talvez volta mais tarde a este tema...
Ranciere - Aesthetic Separation, Aesthetic Community
Aesthetic Separation, Aesthetic Community: Scenes from the Aesthetic Regime of Art
"There are two ways of coping with the rupture. The first way opposes to the undecidable effect of the representational mediation a being together without mediation. Such was the conclusion of Rousseau’s Letter: the evil does not only lie in the content of the representation. It lies in its structure. It lies in the separation between the stage and the audience, between the performance of the bodies on the stage and the passivity of the spectators in the theatre. What must take the place of the mimetic mediation is the immediate ethical performance of a collective that ignores any separation between performing actors and passive spectators. What Rousseau opposes to the play of the hypocrite is the Greek civic festival where the city presents itself to itself, where it sings and dances its own unity. The model is not new. Plato had already opposed the ethical immediacy of the choros to the passivity and the lie of the theatre. Nevertheless it could pass on as the modern sense of anti-representation: the theatre turned into the ‘cathedral of the future’ without any separation between the stage and the audience; the living community, expressing in its attitudes the law of its being together."
"We purport to be far from such utopias. Our artists have learnt to use this form of hyper-theatre for the optimisation of the show rather than for the celebration of the revolutionary identity of art and life. But what remains vivid, both in their practice and in the criticism they undergo, is precisely the ‘critique of the spectacle’, the idea that art has to give us more than a spectacle, more than something dedicated to the delight of passive spectators, because it has to act in favour of a society where everybody should be active. The ‘critique of the spectacle’ often remains the alpha and the omega of the ‘politics of art’. What this identification discards is the investigation of a third term of efficiency that gets out of the dilemma of representational mediation and ethical immediacy. I assume that this ‘third term’ is aesthetic efficiency itself. Aesthetic efficiency means a paradoxical kind of efficiency that is produced by the very break of any determined link between cause and effect."
"The archaeology of the aesthetic regime of art is not a matter of romantic nostalgia. Instead I think that it can help us to set up in a more accurate way the issue of what art can be and can do today."
sexta-feira, 26 de junho de 2009
Diga-se também que não sou grande turista. Nunca trago câmara fotográfica (sou um very light traveler) e a do telemóvel tira umas fotos muito fraquinhas. Também não passeio muito. Hoje passei todo o dia no Hotel, ora em reuniões, ora a trabalhar. Ontem saí um pouco, porque o jantar era fora do Hotel, mas pouco vi. Passei pelas ruínas dum fórum romano, sendo que uma das grandes atracções da cidade é um teatro romano. O centro é engraçado, com uma rua pedonal, algumas esplanadas e algumas lojas. Depois do jantar, ao regressar a pé para o hotel (gosto sempre de dar um passeio nestas noites de Verão), vi uns tantos bares com bom aspecto. Não parei em nenhum, mas os sítios tinham uma decoração engraçada. Quase todos tinha uma esplanada em frente e dava o aspecto de serem agradáveis. Talvez mais tarde venha a postar algumas fotos, tiradas pelos outras pessoas do projecto (o meu touristic gaze é geralmente via outrem).
E o que é que aqui vim fazer? Bom... o projecto está quase no fim e em breve será lançado, por isso posso começar a tirar umas pontinhas do véu. O que estamos a produzir é um jogo de computador que é uma espécie de InterRail virtual. O ambiente é similar ao de um MMOG (como o World of Warcraft, ou o Second Life), sendo por isso um ambiente multi-utilizador. Neste momento a reconstrução mais avançada é a da cidade de Praga. Temos também Genova praticamente completa. De Portugal temos Mação, quer com a reconstrução da vila, quer do cenário do vale do Ocreza (com as suas gravuras). O jogo será lançado em inícios de Outubro, com uma grande apresentação a nível europeu.
Amanhã regresso a Portugal e na segunda avanço para mais uma campanha em Castanheiro do Vento. Espero que possamos regressar à prática dos vídeos, que desenvolvemos sobretudo em 2007. Como diz o meu amigo Pierluigi, com o seu pequeno sotaque: fazer coisas bonitas.
quarta-feira, 24 de junho de 2009
Destino Plovdiv (Bulgaria)
Vou tentar postar algo amanhã.
terça-feira, 23 de junho de 2009
Esta foto é de um mural em Mação e foi tirada pela Brigit aquando do workshop Mutopia. Sendo a Brigit da Estónia, este tipo de murais ganha um contorno diferente. A esperança e a utopia da Revolução Comunista erodiu-se de grande parte da Europa com o fim do Bloco de Leste. Em muitos países vive-se num clima de "já não há ilusões". Isto leva a um cinismo muito próprio, que se desenvolveu mais em algumas partes da Europa.
Uns amigos meus eslovenos explicavam-me no outro dia o quadro político esloveno. Eu estava particularmente interessado em consegui compreender o partido Zares ("De verdade"). O Zizek tem ligações fortes com esse partido, que se designa como liberal. Ora, era justamente essa designação de liberal, que me confundia. Ainda para mais porque o partido nasceu de uma cisão entre do partido liberal-democrata esloveno. Como eles me explicaram, tratam-se de maravilhas do pós-comunismo. O liberal ali significa algo muito próximo do modo como o termo é utilizado nos E.U.A., ou seja, algo próximo do que em Portugal seria a esquerda. São valores liberais, no sentido de valores livres - a Liberté da Revolução Francesa. Não deixa de ser clara a ironia dos termos e o modo como se cruzam e se tocam. Ainda para mais porque essa liberdade parece ir ao sabor da pós-modernidade, que é o principal alvo de ataque do Zizek.
Note-se que no Parlamento Europeu, o Zares senta-se no centro, ao lado de partidos como os liberais-democratas britânicos. Isto apesar de partilhar propostas com o nosso Bloco de Esquerda (que tem sido um dos principais responsáveis por conseguir trazer o Zizek a Portugal).
O pós-comunismo tem destas coisas...
Post-post: Página do Grupo dos Liberais Democratas Europeus
segunda-feira, 22 de junho de 2009
Capitalism and Metaphysics, by Scott Lash (2006)
Un auteur très important: Michel Callon

"Des cultures OGM aux prudents atermoiements des décideurs à propos des règles de recherche sur les cellules souches en passant par les mesures contre l'effet de serre : sur ces dossiers fondamentaux, comment nos dirigeants peuvent-ils prendre des décisions alors qu'ils sont plongés dans les incertitudes les plus profondes ? Comment le citoyen profane peut-il exprimer son avis dans un débat scientifique de haut niveau ? Trois sociologues tentent d'imaginer un regard démocratique sur la science et le progrès.
Michel Callon est professeur à l’Ecole des mines de Paris et chercheur au Centre de sociologie de l’innovation. Pierre Lascoumes, juriste et sociologue, est directeur de recherche au CNRS. Yannick Barthe est chercheur au Centre de sociologie de l’innovation."
Crucial book: the performativity of Economics

ed. by
Donald MacKenzie, Fabian Muniesa &Lucia Siu
(W. J. Polley Choice )
A highly stimulating volume. . . . Many investors will be surprised to discover the breadth of intellectual interest in the markets they troll for profits.
(Martin S. Fridson Financial Analysts Journal )
For those who are already interested in the performativity of economics, this volume gathers some already familiar contributions, but will still constitute an obligatory point of passage. For those who, finally, are broadly interested in new ways to analyse the shaping of markets, this volume represents a challenging research programme worth taking seriously.
(Claes-Fredrick Helgesson Organization Studies )
The book should interest anyone studying the nuts and bolts of the workings of markets.
(James G. Devine Science & Society )
This excellent collection gathers the very best work on the fascinating topic of performativity in economics. The book offers articulate presentations of a wide range of different views--not only pro and con, but various pros and cons. It is as important as it is likely to be controversial.
(Wade Hands, University of Puget Sound ) "
Hardcover: 392 pages
Publisher: Princeton University Press; illustrated edition edition (1 Jul 2007)
ISBN-10: 0691130167
ISBN-13: 978-0691130163
PSI International Zagreb
General information about the congress, here:
This congress is of extraordinary interest.
Look for instance at this link:
domingo, 21 de junho de 2009
performance studies
"There is no object (or set of objects) called performance(s) the study of which performance studies takes as its purpose. Rather, there is an idea, performance, that serves as the paradigmatic standing point for any inquiry that occurs within the disciplinary realm. In principle, this paradigm can function as a lens through which to examine almost anything."
Philip Auslander
"Theory For Performance Studies: a Students Guide", London, Routledge, 2007, Introduction, pp. 2-3.
Probably with the dismiss of positivism the idea of a fixed object for each discipline had also the tendency to disappear: actually, each particular discipline (as archaeology, for instance) is a very open field, with no fixed borders, but having a certain tradition in the way it looks at the world and at the so called material things in particular. Our aim is ultimately to understand the human being, and that is why archaelogy (and many other traditional academic disciplines) is so interested in performance studies: because they amplify the scope of our viewing, which is critical to get rid of interpretations that are often inspired in a rigid or static reality. For us, archaeologists, it is very important to look for temporality and process in that reality. But that is not enough, because knowledge is not only improved through induction. We also need to discuss the theory of the human, of the human in action, the theory of performance and performancescapes.
That said, a question persists: is performance an adequate theoretical standpoint to look at human beings? Giving emphasis to movement and fluidity, as it is implicit in this approach, don't we take the risk of universalizing a very modern (or post-modern) vision of the human? Aren't we again projecting in the past a kind of mobility that is so typical of (and specific to) our age of globalization and fast moving, vanishing values and peoples?
sábado, 20 de junho de 2009
A recent book... already a classic!

Theory for Performance Studies: A Student's Guide
Philip Auslander
London, Routledge, 2007
A concise handbook to the key connections between theatre and performance studies and critical theory since the 1960s.
From the Back Cover
Theory for Performance Studies: A Student's Guide is a clear and concise handbook to the key connections between performance studies and critical theory since the 1960s. Philip Auslander looks at the way the concept of performance has been engaged across a number of disciplines. Beginning with four foundational figures – Freud, Marz, Nietzsche and Saussure – Auslander goes on to provide guided introductions to the major theoretical thinkers of the past century, from Althusser to Zizek. Each entry offers biographical, theoretical, and bibliographical information along with a discussion of each figure's relevance to theatre and performance studies and suggestions for future research. Brisk, thoughtful, and engaging, this is an essential first volume for anyone at work in theatre and performance studies today. Adapted from Theory for Religious Studies, by William E. Deal and Timothy K. Beal.
Freud, Marx, Nietzche, Saussure, Althusser, Bakhtin, Barthes, Bataille, Baudrillard, Benjamin, Butler, Cixous, Deleuze/Guattari, Derrida, Foucault, Gadamer, Irigaray, Kristeva, Lacan, Lefebvre, Levinas, Lyotard, Merleau-Ponty, Said, Spivak. White, Williams, Zizek !
Read the introduction here: