quarta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2009
Our TAG session in now on line...
See you all in Durham!
Archaeologists as contemporary critical thinkers
Organised by: Vitor O. Jorge (University of Porto/CEAUCP,
Right from the beginning of archaeology as a “science” during the 19th century, archaeologists, like any other social scientists at the time, tried to elaborate a “theory” of “man” and of “society”. Implicitly or explicitly, this “theory” was, and still is, meshed with “practice”. Theory and practice are combined in fieldwork, in the production archaeological texts (reports included) and the presentation of “results” to the general public. This session aims to think critically about archaeology in the modern world, paying particular attention to those debates and enquires that have preoccupied modern thinkers in the last decades. What are the contributions that archaeology has made to modern dialogue in the social sciences? If we want that the production and diffusion of our work have some effect beyond the purely academic world, how do we integrate it into a modern politics of knowledge? That is the challenge of this session, calling for papers that are situated in the interface of archaeology and a politics of knowledge, i.e., of a critical thinking and action.
Archaeological critical practice
Lesley McFadyen (University of Porto)
I have been thinking about excavation and archive, and on the terms that we bring the making of the archive into our practice. How are excavation and archive, practice and object, material and representation, expressive? In particular, I want to discuss the excavation, drawing and writing of an Early Bronze Age ringditch at Barleycroft in Cambridgeshire.
Jacques Derrida in ‘Archive Fever’ and Hannah Arendt in ‘Between Past and Future’ discuss archive and literature. Both of these critical thinkers found themselves in-between things, and this process disrupted historical knowledge, created different notions of time, and opened up the question of the future. I want to take the temporal qualities of that work and discuss the moments in archaeology when there is a tension between the sculpted shape of the excavated feature and the traces of action that we can draw. For between cut and fill, excavation and drawing, trowel and pencil, the archaeologist is between an upcast barrow that is not quite here but yet at hand. But what I want to emphasise about drawing, and about bringing the making of the archive into that practice, is how it changes what we can write about time and how prehistoric things relate to past and future.
Towards a critical archaeology of late modernity: the archaeology of the contemporary past as counter-modern archaeology
Rodney Harrison (The Open University)
Julian Thomas (2004) has recently argued that archaeology could only have emerged as a distinct discipline under the particular social and intellectual conditions of modernity. In this paper I explore the archaeology of the contemporary past as a ‘counter-modern’ archaeology which aims to challenge the underlying impulse of modernist archaeology and anthropology to produce an ‘Other’ to ourselves by focussing attention on the archaeology of contemporary, late-modern social life. In doing so, I argue that the archaeology of the contemporary past has the potential to produce insights which not only address themselves directly to contemporary social, ethical and political concerns, but which also contribute to the development of new forms of social knowledge that extend beyond the boundaries of our own discipline by breaking down the disciplinary boundaries that have restricted such movement, as well as develop new forms of critical thinking about the place of humans and contemporary material culture in the world.
Archaeology after Simplicity - Redesigning Reflexivity
Stephanie Koerner (University of Manchester, UK)
Until recently, not many archaeologists would have expected fundamental change in theoretical and methodological orientations to arise from projects that challenge presuppositions perpetuating ‘expert knowledge’ - ‘public issues’ dichotomies. I explore developments transforming this situation, and the bearing upon challenges facing “archaeologists as critical thinkers”.
There are no such things as context independent problems. “We never experience or form judgments about objects and events in isolation, but only in connection with a contextualised whole. The latter is called a situation” (Dewey 1938: 66-67). Complexity and emergent novelty are the normal state of affairs for reality, and crucial for understanding how we find the world intelligible (Ingold and Koerner 2009), Such dichotomies as nature-culture, the global versus the local, the real versus the historically contingent, prioritise the least (rather than the most) tractable problems, and impede appreciating the importance for sustaining diversity of human life ways of plurality of the past and future aspirations.
My presentation concludes with suggestions about implications for concerns to ‘re-design’ archaeological reflexivity for “needs of a world in which simplicity is a memory of a bygone age” (Funtowicz and Ravetz 1997; Latour 2008).
The case for revisiting a deliberative poetics in archaeology: rejecting dichotomies from the past
Adrian F. Davis (University of Wales Lampeter - UWL)
Where archaeology has successfully wrested it's epistemology from a production of knowledge predicated on a heavy handed empiricism, then perhaps archaeologies greatest success to date has been its embracing of a resolutely political approach to a Diaspora of critical issues around cultural and heritage resource management. For the most part much good work has been done here to rectify the undeniable inequalities of power through pursuing a generic inclusivity toward other pasts. The cost to our discipline's standing in the academy however have been considerable; particularly in so far as we have been compelled to accept a resolutely pejorative account of our disciplinary history as being steeped in and emerging from the worst excess of enlightenment 'rationality' and colonial excess. This lurch from unreflective science on the one hand to a politics steeped in the hermeneutics of suspicion on the other have not in my view effectively countered our ongoing disciplinary leanings toward modelling our discipline on the hard sciences, from which ultimately, many of our political headaches arise. This somewhat vicious circularity remains doubly unsatisfactory, and my paper will attempt to argue that archaeology can only demonstrate it’s most attractive and critical thinking to the wider intellectual community by jettisoning this circularity in favour of a timely and historical reprise of a more deliberative poetics, and with it a raft of more innovative and interpretive methodologies.
Solid things and bizarre stories. The archaeologist as a tragic narrator
Joana Alves Ferreira (University of Porto/CEAUCP)
…“It was nothing but glass”
Virginia Woolf, Solid Objects (1918)
In this sentence, apparently of easy understanding, Virginia Woolf encapsulates the complexity of the “unknown” showing us the way to the wonderful simplicity of the opening.
The bizarre story told by V. Woolf make us reflect about the narrative and its traditional way of representing the world as well as on the paradigm of the historical discourse, which is the crystallization of an image. Therefore, any narrative reflects a desire for singularity, a desire to narrate its genesis, making it intelligible. Here lies the tragic sense of the narrative, which is the impossibility of origin. In this sense, the archaeologist while a “storyteller” moves in this tragic emptiness postulating, in his/her fantasy, an answer to this riddle, trying to print a positive sense to the world around.
As well as Virginia Woolf’s character we, the archaeologists, are faced with the impossibility of the answer. Reflecting on the impossibility of the origin implies a rejection from the logocentric discourses, breaking with the crystallized images of any unique phenomenon. The impossibility of the origin is the opening to an exterior ambiguity and to a repetition of the always different. It is a thinking outside the concept of linearity.
Like Mirrors: Archaeological Parallax
Gonçalo Leite Velho (Polythecnic Institute of Tomar)
In his “Contre-Chant” part of the poem “Fou d’Elsa”, Louis Aragon writes “I am that wretch comparable with mirrors / that can reflect but cannot see”. These words, who allow us to have a glimpse in the situation of Ego, illustrate well the situation of Archaeology. We seem to be always in the presence of an insurmountable gap (a parallax gap) pulled apart by two forces, one centrifugal, pointing to the past (the desire to see in a “pure gaze” the past “as it was”) and other centripetal, where the present works as a gravitational point (marked by the continuous presence of reflections). When looking at Archaeology through the prism of Time, it is usual to see traces of epochs, reflexes of principles, that didn’t seem to be so present to those who “lived” them. It seems like an impossible displacement the movement of being somehow “out of joint”, “out of oneself”, “out of one’s time”. In heideggerianees we might say that, it seems that even when we take our most resoluteness authentic act we cling to some inauthentic presence (what we might dare to call in lacaneese “the Other”). This paper explores these gaps and its parallax possibilities (in an obvious debt with Zizek). Taking in account the Greek concepts of αρχη (arche) and λογος (logos) we develop the concept of Principle Reflection.
Why is archeology a pervert science or why Kung fu Panda and Fight Club are worth watching?
Dawid Kobialka (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan)
Archaeologists used to think about themselves as socially desirable objects. I disagree with such a point of view. Rather, I claim that archaeologists want to be desired by society. That is why archaeologists are the object of their own desires. Such a conviction about the knowledge of Other’s (society’s) desires is defined in the psychoanalysis of Jacques Lacan as a perversion. I argue that contemporary archaeology can be seen a pervert science.
Psychoanalysis and cinema can shed new light on archaeology and reconsider some fundamental assumptions about public archaeology. Using the thoughts of the most prominent follower of Lacan, Slavoj Žižek, my theoretical discussion takes into account the examples of cinema. Cinema is a very interesting theoretical tool that should often be used by archaeologists. The result of taking into account cinema is – what is called by the author – the theory (in a broad sense of the term) of Kung-fu Panda. On the other hand, Fight Club is approach as an answer to what has to be done with contemporary archaeology.
Archaeology and the politics of inheritance
Sérgio Gomes (University of Porto/CEAUCP)
Archaeology, among other social sciences, has been providing raw materials and contributing to the construction of different kinds of identity and identification strategies. Regarding its importance, archaeologists often discuss their role in this process, and think about their connections with the social context within which they develop their practice. In such discussion, should be highlighted important works on archaeology and nationalism or archaeology and gender, which contribute to our understanding of how prejudices act from the moment we identify, select and interpret materials. In this paper, I aim to focus on these topics, trying to discuss how the idea of inheritance entails a chronological linear sequence that pushes us to reproduce a set of identities that reinforce the hegemonic models that rule contemporary societies. In doing this, I will try to argue that archaeology might have an important role on the invention of new kinds of identity or, at least, could contribute to a better understanding of how complex, and often paradoxical, can be the way people represent themselves and others.
The importance of a philosophy of techniques and technology to archaeology and beyond
Vítor Oliveira Jorge (University of Porto/CEAUCP)
Following a very long tradition, several recent French thinkers, among many others, have underlined the crucial importance of the techniques and of technology to understand the human reality. In spite of it, philosophy has rarely taken this subject as a really important one; in the words of Stiegler: “ Technics is the unthought”. I will concentrate in just two of those authors, Gilbert Simondon (1924-1989) and (the one quoted above) Bernard Stiegler (born 1952). These two philosophers have a critical importance to archaeology, contributing to a correct vision of a central issue of its object, human’s activity in relation with materials and through the mediation of “machines”. Also, Stiegler in particular may allow us to comprehend what is at stake in our hyper-industrial society, in which technology has gone out of the citizen’s control, provoking a crisis of general or libidinal economy. Archaeology, as any other field of research/activity, may and shall call for a different organization of society where processes of individuation be made within a sense of community and not in the neo-liberal way of abstract and isolated consumers. This political and philosophical approach is also consistent with a more comprehensive view of our past as human beings.
Political animals: predator or prey?
Bo Jensen (independent, Copenhagen)
Post-industrial society (or risk society, or hyper-industrial society) entails a democratic crisis: new issues arise that do not respond to the neat divisions of old party politics. Environmentalism is one such issue, animal rights another. Neither the old left, nor the old right has a strong tradition on these issues. Further, animal rights debates have so far escaped the privatization of ethics and the institution of state of emergency as the norm. The indeterminability and subjectivity of involved ethics and the resulting epistemological uncertainty is obvious to most participants. Everyone argues from an acknowledged minority position. At the same time, post-industrial society also coincides with an information revolution that puts the status of archaeology in crisis. Due to information glut and due to a post-modern undermining of the epistemological standards of traditional bourgeois culture, archaeology and other disciplines now risk becoming true but irrelevant to much of the reading public
I argue that there are potentially productive intersections between archaeology and animal rights debates; and that they offer us sound epistemological critique and a vast new, potential readership; but that so far, zooarchaeologists have shied away from pursuing these opportunities.
Archaeology. An autopsy
Manuel Maria Guimarães de Castro Nunes
To identify the structural problems that archaeology needs to face, concerning to clarify the crossing through multiple tasks, concerning research, cultural heritage preservation and valuation, and cultural sociability of knowledge, several ethical and epistemological matters may be revaluated. The increasing specialization of several ranges of archaeological praxis, disseminating the knowledge through an infinite universe of tight scientific domains, obstructed the rule of the History and Social Sciences as the assembly of archaeological knowledge and its social finality.
Taking the history of medicine as paradigm, and the fighting between medicine and surgery as the topic where we may understand the rule of the antinomy between theory and praxis on the formulation of modernity, we will propose that the crucial epistemological cracks on archaeological thinking an theory are, nowadays, fundamentally, an ethical problem. And it concerns the use or the finality of knowledge.
Julian Thomas (University of Manchester)
Você não está no facebook?!...
e nem sequer vai aparecer o Sexta-Feira!
procure-me lá!
terça-feira, 29 de setembro de 2009
Das Fobias e da sua Asfixia
Suicídios na France Telecom
Os autores deste blogue andam sempre de um lado para o outro...
Susan Howe and David Grubbs in London
Susan Howe and David Grubbs
Susan Howe and David Grubbs will speak about the ideas that have nourished their collaboration as poet and musician. Howe and Grubbs have released two CDs, Thiefth (2005) and Souls of the Labadie Tract (2006), works which take the encounter between poetry and music into new territory. Each will speak for around 30 minutes and the second hour will be devoted to questions and discussion. Susan Howe’s explorations of American history and letters place her in a line that runs from Emily Dickinson through Wallace Stevens to the frontiers of 21st-century lyric. David Grubbs is a former member of the post-rock group Gastr Del Sol whose subsequent career is notable both for his acclaimed solo releases and his collaborations with artists and writers.
Wednesday 7th October 3-5 pm. Room B35, Birkbeck Main Building
Presented jointly by the Poetics Research Group at Royal Holloway, University of London and Birkbeck Contemporary Poetics Research Centre. Supported by Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, by the Humanities and Arts Research Centre, the Faculty of Arts and the English Department at Royal Holloway, University of London.
Free and open to all – no registration

Julia Eisner
Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities
Birkbeck, University of London
Malet Street
London WC1E 7HX
T: (0) 20 3073 8363
F: (0) 20 3073 8359
Three Times trailer
This is the trailer for the Taiwanese film THREE TIMES (directed by Hou Hsiao Hsien)
Ministro não tolera abusos nas praxes - segundo o "Jornal de Notícias" de hoje
"Sempre que tenha notícia da prática de ilícitos nas praxes", Mariano Gago ameaça dar "imediato conhecimento ao Ministério Público" e usar "os meios aptos a responsabilizar, civil e criminalmente, por acção ou omissão, os órgãos próprios das instituições do ensino superior, as associações de estudantes e ainda quaisquer outras entidades que, podendo e devendo fazê-lo", não tenham feito nada para as evitar.
Numa mensagem enviada aos responsáveis máximos das Universidades públicas e privadas e Politécnicos, o ministro frisa que "a tolerância de muitos tem-se tornado cúmplice de situações sempre inaceitáveis" com danos físicos e psicológicos.
Mariano Gago repudia as "práticas de humilhação e de agressão física e psicológica" com carácter "fascista e boçal" inflingidas aos caloiros no ensino superior, "identificadas ou desculpadas como 'praxes' académicas".

30 de Setembro - Quarta
Inauguração da Exposição FUTuRE MaP - 18h, Museu FBAUP
2 de Outubro, Sexta
Lançamento do livro "Arqueologia do Urbano" - 22h, Passos Manuel
“Esquecemos que a cartografia é uma prática tão variável como qualquer outra. Existem mapas e depois existem outros mapas, e existem diferentes modos de mapear.” Raqs Media Collective [1]
FUTuRE MaP é uma exposição de projectos de pesquisa sobre o espaço público desenvolvidos pelos 12 mestrandos, agora jovem artistas investigadores, que ao longo do ano de 2009 se envolveram com diversos lu gares. Os “mapas” que apresentam são aproximações visuais e performativas ao conceito de espaço público. Distante de uma mostra de cartografias, os projectos empregam diversos media, formatos e linguagens, e condensam propostas artísticas de interpolação, e exercícios de interpretação, da quilo que se manifesta como “o público”.
As sínteses de objectividade bidimensional experimentadas na cartografia territorial moderna são erodidas num conjunto de exercícios em que representação e não-representação se tornam estra tos de um mesmo mapa: mapas de densidade humana, mapas de relações interpessoais, mapas de conflitos sociais, mapas de fenomenologia do espaço, mapas de interrupção. Estes mapas têm uma dimensão relacional e, diferindo de projectos de desenho de um espaço, são projectos de acções sobre o público. Transportam uma dupla dimensão temporal de mapa-documento-acção, enquanto registo de práticas de pesquisa de campo, mapeiam diferentes espaços públicos; en quanto projecto artístico são construções simbólicas que comunicam práticas e interpretações de senvolvidas nesses mesmos espaços.
Os projectos foram desenvolvidos por Brunna Anchieta, Eduardo Vieira de Almeida, Joana Nasci mento, Luís Sezões, Maria Guiomar Côrte-Real, Michelle F. Domingos, Patrícia Monteiro, Patrícia Azevedo Santos, Rosana Alexandre, Rui Manuel Vieira, Sofia Santos e Vânia Cunha como trabalho de projecto da investigação do Mestrado de Arte e Design para o Espaço Público, e foram editados em workshop no mês de Setembro para ser expostos n´O Museu da FBAUP. Di versos exercícios, fases projectuais e elementos de dissertação podem ser consultados no Centro de Documentação.
Inês Moreira – Arquitecta e Curadora
[1] raqs media collective, “Pacifc Parables”, 2008, (p.9-19) in Danny Butt, Jon Bywater e Nova Paul (eds) Place: local knowledge and new media practice, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, 2008.
Arqueologia do urbano, abordagens e práticas
Ed. Gabriela Vaz-Pinheiro
Integrada no Mestrado em Arte e Design para o Espaço Público em conjunção com o Projecto de Investigação Trans_Form_Actions, a publicação pretende por um lado dar visibilidade tanto aos trabalhos de projecto desenvolvidos pelos alunos ao longo do último ano e meio, como ao intenso e variado diálogo crítico que o Mestrado tem albergado e suscitado, seja nas suas sessões formais ou informais, seja através dos seus colaboradores regulares como dos seus convidados. Este corpo de trabalho crítico e prático necessita de encontrar uma plataforma de comunicabilidade que extravase os limites dialógicos do espaço da aula, do workshop ou da intervenção no espaço público.
No sentido lefevbriano do habitus, pretende-se investigar a natureza das formas de habitar o espaço urbano ao nível experiencial mais do que arquitectónico, simultaneamente entendendo este habitar como um palimpsesto acumulativo e sedimentar da dimensão experiencial do urbano. Neste sentido a intervenção artística de cariz temporário, por vezes mesmo de escala diminuta, apresenta-se como uma forma de testar criticamente abordagens e identificações de problemas ou realidades com as quais nos podemos confrontar disciplinarmente, isto é pela geografia, pela arqueologia, pela arquitectura, pela curadoria, pela prática artística.
Álvaro Domingues, Inês Moreira, Gonçalo Leite Velho, Pedro Bandeira, Paulo Luís Almeida, Gabriela Vaz-Pinheiro, Mário Moura, Jorge Marques, António Olaio, R2, entre outros.
Pequim: passagem de nível
Zhoug Guan Cu
vermelho sobre verde

For Kim
Há dias em que a natureza
Se abre em leque, muito alta,
E nos envolve, e envolve e enrola
A face de verde, e toda a criação
Grita este próprio som em espiral
Do alaúde sobre o pescoço,
Sobre os olhos, sobre os lábios
Entre a folhagem sugerindo o brilho
Por onde se enrolam os ramos,
Os caules, a memória de um verão
Que jamais houve...fantasias sugeridas
Pelo tacto das folhas, por esse modo
Pode haver pássaros, e flores, e rios
Correndo. Mas o que prepondera
É a forma como a linha vem do nariz
Aos lábios, essa carícia lenta,
Para onde o olhar se dirige,
Esse eterno desconhecido, essa sombra
Da imagem, essa epiderme e o seu tacto
Jamais sentido: tudo quanto grita forte
Quando o vermelho aparece
Por entre o verde,
Essa fulguração, essa violenta
E no entanto tão silenciosa e atemporal
Junção de cores.
Tacto de folhas, irritação dos dedos
Sobre as suas nervuras.
Intumescência de todos os caules, da natureza,
Na máxima beleza da sua própria
E o verão que não houve aloja-se
Nas narinas, na sua textura delicada,
À espera de uma floração futura,
À sombra da árvore enorme da promessa.
Quando os frutos amadurecerem
Contra o negrume dos troncos, e um dedo
Atravessar a estação que vai da testa
Aos lábios, essa queda lenta, lenta, esse
Foto: Kim Rice
texto voj porto set. 2009, porto
Provas públicas de doutoramento em Arqueologia na FLUP
Doutorando? O meu companheiro* deste blogue...
* ia a dizer colaborador, mas não sei porquê ele tem azar a tal designação. Idiossincrasias...
Curso de Pensamento Crítico Contemporâneo na Faculdade de Letras do Porto - 2ª edição em 2010 !
e aqui:
Não pôde frequentar em 2009? Aproveite agora, que isto não dura sempre...
Frequentou em 2009? Pois em 2010 vai ser totalmente diferente!
segunda-feira, 28 de setembro de 2009
Alain Badiou's words
Alain Badiou
Is the Word “Communism” Forever Doomed?
"I name ‘event’, a rupture in the normal disposition of bodies and normal ways of a particular situation. Or if you want, I name ‘event’ a rupture of the laws of the situation. So, in its very importance, an event is not the realization/variation of a possibility that resides inside the situation. An event is the creation of a new possibility. An event changes not only the real, but also the possible. An event is at the level not of simple possibility, but at the level of possibility of possibility. […]
I name ‘state’ or ‘state of the situation’ the system of constraints, which precisely limit the possibility. For example today I name the state of our situation, capitalist economy, constitutional form of government, veridical laws about the order of labor, army, police, and so on – all that composes the state of our situation. The state defines what is possible and what isn’t. So an event is always something which happens beyond the state. And therein lies the difference between an event and a simple fact. […]
I name ‘truth procedure’ or ‘truth’ an organization of consequences of an event. The process or the fact of naming the process of what follows an event. […]"
Dificuldades de regime
Observatório Astronómico de Pequim

Algumas imagens do Antigo Observatório Astronómico de Pequim, algumas tiradas durante a visita de ontem e outras referentes à reconstrução tridimensional realizada pelo Instituto Politécnico de Tomar.
Convido-vos a verem também a simulação em 3D (convém instalar um plugin primeiro).
domingo, 27 de setembro de 2009
estes acordes
se erguiam no ar e como balões
se dirigiam para as cores
do arco-íris
dias da alegria, das baterias celestes
sobre a foz dos rios, invisíveis
nas pulsações do sol
dias em que os lábios ávidos
comiam os gelados frescos enquanto subiam
na excitação, na atmosfera irisada
dias em que borboletas saíam
dos calções das raparigas,
e as pernas brilhavam todas
dias em que as garças me saíam
dos versos, e era poderoso, e mandava vir
as trombetas vitoriosas
tocava nas cordas, saía electricidade
sobre a foz. as bandeiras esvoaçavam
e as raparigas subiam e desciam
irisadas de cores da alegria
garças altas como elefantes enfeitados
olhos vertendo azul e esperança.
disse: viva este litoral, esta solidão
cheia de imagens coloridas, viva esta paleta
formidável, esta foz aérea onde desaguam
os rios e todas as alegrias
que se avizinham!
o ar polvilhado de raparigas!
o sabor das vitórias, esta precisão
dos versos que escrevem de pés para o ar,
que inscrevem pássaros no céu
voando para as cores da alegria.
que vislumbram as coxas, as ancas
tão jovens, tão apetecíveis,
sob as saias macias das raparigas no ar
voj set. 2009
aos sons que o mark knopfler milagrosamente consegue extrair da sua guitarra, e a toda a atmosfera que irriga o cérebro ao ouvi-lo
Economia capitalista e destruição da sociedade e do indivíduo, ou seja, da economia libidinal individual e colectiva
Bernard Stiegler
Paris, Galilée, 2009
p. 87
(tradução minha)
* Nota: alguma terminologia típica deste autor poderá ser mais opaca para o leitor que nunca o leu, mas isso é o risco de qualquer citação... o melhor é mesmo lê-lo... é fabuloso!
A pouco e pouco vou conhecendo o Porto... onde me encontro a viver desde Janeiro de 1975
Vitória do Partido Socialista nas Eleições Legislativas

Tal como tinha previsto (ver postagem de há dias, e outros comentários), o Partido Socialista, a confirmarem-se os dados que já existem, ganhou as eleições, colocando José Sócrates à frente de uma segunda legislatura e, como disse um comentador de forma pertinente, na posição mais confortável que se pode ter a seguir a uma maioria absoluta.
O PSD acusa uma situação clara de enfraquecimento, como também previsto.
O que importa é que o clima político do país se desanuvie, que se dissipem certas questões, e que a campanha para as autárquicas, que são já no dia 11 de Outubro, decorra de uma maneira útil para o centramento de cada força na apresentação de soluções para a resolução dos problemas locais do país. Europeias, legislativas e autárquicas são, como é evidente, eleições muito diferentes umas das outras.
É confortável, para uma pessoa de esquerda, verificar que a maioria do povo português é na esquerda (apesar das suas múltiplas e diferenciadas facetas) que continua a confiar.
Seminarios sobre la crisis sistémica del capitalismo en el Museo Nacional Centro Reina Sofía (Madrid)
El género de la crisis
"Comisarias: Fefa Vila Núñez y Begoña Pernas
Fecha: Noviembre - Diciembre, 2009
Lugar: Edificio Nouvel. Auditorio 200
Entrada: Gratuita. Hasta completar aforo.
El pensamiento económico convencional, por su deliberada estrechez de miras, tiene grandes dificultades para extraer todas las consecuencias teóricas y prácticas de la crisis. Ha llegado el momento de escuchar otras voces. Entre los análisis que desbordan el marco convencional de lo económico, los feministas tienen una gran capacidad explicativa. El pensamiento feminista es revolucionario en su doble faceta. Por un lado, los estudios y análisis toman en consideración aquellas poblaciones y producciones que a menudo se pasan por alto. Con sólo contar su historia y nombrar las actividades de las mujeres, los conceptos básicos de la economía, trabajo, mercado, valor, producción, se ven completados y reinterpretados, cuando no subvertidos. Por otra parte, el esfuerzo para pensar desde sujetos diferentes y con conceptos nuevos lleva a teorizar temas y a comprender procesos de manera original y con resultados de gran interés. Estos análisis se hacen especialmente relevantes a partir de la década de los noventa con el desarrollo crítico que introducen determinadas teóricas feministas tanto en la teoría económica como en la sociología de la ciencia; Sandra Harding, Helen Longino, Julie A. Nelson, entre otras muchas y también con la paralela formación y consolidación de la Asociación Internacional para la Economía Feminista (en su siglas inglesas: FAFFE).
La actual crisis actúa de dos formas: es un tema en sí mismo, de gran interés interpretativo y práctico, sobre todo para sus víctimas. Pero es también una oportunidad – no sólo para los pensadores/as, también para las instituciones y para el propio mercado- para pararse y pensar, rescatar ideas y personalidades, retomar el pensamiento crítico y el deseo de actuar opacado en tiempos de relativo triunfalismo. No en vano los años setenta, el momento de la última gran transformación del capitalismo, fue también un momento de gran ebullición intelectual y política.
Son muchos los temas de interés en el cruce de la sociología del trabajo, la economía, la política y el feminismo. Tres son los ejes conceptuales que serán sometidos a revisión en el presente seminario, todos ellos recorridos por el hilo común de la crisis económica: el análisis feminista de la economía global en crisis desde los sujetos políticos, Estado y mercado en Europa: mercado de trabajo, instituciones económicas, políticas públicas y género, y el concepto de trabajo en un modelo en crisis. "
ser "criativo"... segundo Bernard Stiegler
"Pour Une Nouvelle Critique de l' Économie Politique", Paris, Galilée, 2009, p. 67
(esta citação é tradução minha)
sábado, 26 de setembro de 2009
Há "bola" hoje - Porto. Estádio do Dragão
Há que fazer toda uma etnografia destas práticas, destes gigantescos rituais, expor o seu exotismo, o seu estado-limite, o seu paroxismo. Proporcional ao vazio, ao puro jogo que os alimenta. O seu conteúdo é a sua forma e a sua forma é o seu conteúdo e ambos são o Nada, o Vazio Absoluto povoado pela multidão.
Desde miúdo, quando o meu pai me levou à Académica, que não vou ao futebol...
... nem tenciono ir.
Hoje, porém, desloquei-me a um Centro Comercial enorme, onde também nunca vou, o Dolce Vita, que fica ao lado do "Estádio do Dragão", porque havia ali às 5 horas da tarde uma sessão sobre poesia contemporânea com o Manuel Pina e o Fernando Guimarães, que se podem ver na mesa (terceiro a contar da direita e segundo a contar da esquerda - foto abaixo).
À saída, o jogo de futebol, entre o Porto e o Sorting, creio, que ainda decorre, estava prestes a começar. Via-se parte do interior do estádio e toda aquela multidão qual quadro de J. Bosch. Metia medo. Julgando por momentos que se tinha aproximado o apocalipse, enfiei-me num táxi e respirei fundo o iodo do mar quando cheguei a casa. Eu vivo, de facto, noutro mundo.
(Salvou-me ter encontrado na Bertrand de lá algo de que andava à procura... foge!)