The evanescence of the “material” and of the “cultural”: the impossibility of fixing a face – some steps into an interdisciplinary field of inquiry
Is our body - the physical body of each one of us - predominantly material (biological), or spiritual (cultural)? This kind of questions obviously makes no sense.
The world is infinitely complex. Look, for instance, at the faces of people. Their expression, and in particular their eyes - for a long time considered the “manifestation of the soul” - continuously changes at the most minimal levels.
The face, and the cult of its “beauty” in particular, is part of a modern fetishism, which tries to “materialize” everything, including the most subtle aspects of human life and experience. That fetishism (expressed for instance in pornography) is also the ground where archaeology develops.
Until very recently, archaeology has been a fetishism of objects (be they small artefacts or huge landscapes) into which we project our phantasms, our nostalgia of “returning into the objectuality of things”.
Now, many “archaeologists” - together with people from other disciplines, such as architecture, anthropology, performance arts and studies, land-art, installations, etc. – are making new attempts in order to understand how we human beings relate to other beings and to the environment in which we are submerged.
Faces are indeed a good way of dealing with the strangeness of the reality of our daily life, in which “things” often appear to us as separated from their contexts of action. The same experience of “otherness” occur in archaeology.
But it was our own “scientific enquiry”, in its process of objectification, of “creating objects of observation” separated from subjects that observe in a neutral way, which is responsible for the conditions of the production of that very “otherness”.
The paper is about to be ready. Its bibliography, which I have been using in the last months, is a large one, intending to orient myself in future research. As it may be useful to other people, I reproduce it here:
The world is infinitely complex. Look, for instance, at the faces of people. Their expression, and in particular their eyes - for a long time considered the “manifestation of the soul” - continuously changes at the most minimal levels.
The face, and the cult of its “beauty” in particular, is part of a modern fetishism, which tries to “materialize” everything, including the most subtle aspects of human life and experience. That fetishism (expressed for instance in pornography) is also the ground where archaeology develops.
Until very recently, archaeology has been a fetishism of objects (be they small artefacts or huge landscapes) into which we project our phantasms, our nostalgia of “returning into the objectuality of things”.
Now, many “archaeologists” - together with people from other disciplines, such as architecture, anthropology, performance arts and studies, land-art, installations, etc. – are making new attempts in order to understand how we human beings relate to other beings and to the environment in which we are submerged.
Faces are indeed a good way of dealing with the strangeness of the reality of our daily life, in which “things” often appear to us as separated from their contexts of action. The same experience of “otherness” occur in archaeology.
But it was our own “scientific enquiry”, in its process of objectification, of “creating objects of observation” separated from subjects that observe in a neutral way, which is responsible for the conditions of the production of that very “otherness”.
The paper is about to be ready. Its bibliography, which I have been using in the last months, is a large one, intending to orient myself in future research. As it may be useful to other people, I reproduce it here:
- Allouch, Jean (1993), Freud, Et Puis Lacan, Paris, EPEL.
- Almeida, Miguel Vale de (ed.) (1996), Corpo Presente. Treze Reflexões Antropológicas sobre o Corpo, Oeiras, Celta Ed.
- Aloni, Udi (2004), Local Angel. Theological Political Fragments [DVD with comments by Ronell, Badiou, Zizek], London, Institute of Contemporary Art.
- Assoun, Paul-Laurent (2003), Lacan, Paris, PUF.
- Azevedo, Orlanda de (2003), As Metamorfoses do Corpo e o Problema da Identidade, Lisbon, Ed. Colibri.
- Bacon, Francis (1996), Francis Bacon. Entretiens avec Michel Archimbaud, Paris, Flammarion.
- Barthes, Roland (1981- Port. ed. 1981), Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography, New York, Hill & Wang.
-Baqué, Dominique (2002), Mauvais Genre(s). Érotisme, Pornographie, Art Contemporain, Paris, Editions du Regard.
- Bataille, Georges (1957- Port. ed. 1968), L’ Érotisme, Paris, Les Ed. de Minuit.
-Baudrillard, Jean (1972 - Port. ed. 1995), Pour Une Critique de l’ Économie Politique du Signe, Paris, Éd. Gallimard.
- Baudrillard, Jean (1991 – French ed. 1981), Simulacros e Simulação, Lisbon, Relógio d’ Água.
- Benjamin, Walter (2004), Imagens de Pensamento, Lisboa, Assírio & Alvim.
- Bennett, Tony (2004 – or. 1988), The exhibitory complex, Grasping the World. The Idea of the Museum (ed. Preziosi, D. & Farago, Claire), Aldershot, Ashgate Publishing Company, pp. 413- 441.
- Berger, John (2004 - Spanish ed. 2005), Ways of Seeing, London, Penguin Books.
- Bohm, David (1996), On Creativity, London, Routledge.
-Breton, David le (1992), Des Visages. Essai d’ Antrropologie, Paris, Éd. Métaillée.
- Breton, David le (1997- 3rd ed.), La Sociologie du Corps, Paris, PUF.
- Breton, David le (1997- Port. ed. 1999), Du Silence, Paris, Éd. Métaillée.
-Breton, David le (1998), Les Passions Ordinaires. Anthropologie des Émotions, Paris, Armand Colin.
-Breton, David Le (2000- 1rst ed. 1990), Anthropologie du Corps et Modernité, Paris, PUF.
- Buchli, Victor (ed.) (2005- pb ed.), The Material Culture Reader, Oxford, Berg.
- Bussagli, Marco (2006), El Cuerpo Humano. Anatomía y Simbolismo, Barcelona, Electa.
-Butler, Judith (1993), Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of Sex, London, Routledge.
- Butler, Judith (1993), Problemas de Género. Feminismo e Subversão da Identidade, Rio de Janeiro, Ed. Civilização Brasileira.
- Carlos, Isabel (ed.), Glamour. Arte Seduzida e Sedutora, Porto, Público & Fundação de Serralves.
- Cascais, António Fernando (ed.) (2004), Indisciplinar a Teoria. Estudos Gays, Lésbicos e Queer, Lisboa, Fenda Ed.
- Ceitil, Maria João (2003), Pôr o Corpo a Pensar, Lisboa, ISPA.
- Chemouni, Jacquy (1977), Psychanalyse et Anthropologie: Lévi-Strauss et Freud, Paris, Ed. L’ Harmattan.
- Cotton, Charlotte (2004), The Photography as Contemporary Art, London, Thames and Hudson.
- Courtine, Jean- Jacques & Haroche, Claudine (1988 - Port. ed. 1995), Histoire du Visage, Exprimer et Taire ses Émotions (du XVIe siècle au début du XXe siècle), Paris, Éditions Rivages.
- Crary, Jonathan (2001), Suspensions of Perception. Attention, Spectacle, and Modern Culture, Cambridge/Mass, London, The MIT Press.
- Debray, Régis (1992), Vie et Mort de l’ Image. Une Histoire du Regard en Occident, Paris, Gallimard.
- Deleuze, Gilles (2004, 2006 – French ed. 1983, 1985), A Imagem-Movimento. Cinema 1. A Imagem-Tempo. Cinema 2, Lisboa, Assírio & Alvim.
- Deleuze, Gilles & Guattari, Félix (1966), O Anti-Édipo. Capitalismo e Esquizofrenia, Lisboa, Assírio & Alvim.
- Dicks, Bella (2003), Culture on Display. The Production of Contemporary Visibility, Maidenhead, Open University Press.
- Doyle, Jennifer (2006), Sex Objects. Art and The Dialectics of Desire, Minneapolis, Univ. of Minnesota Press.
- Elias, Norbert (1993- 1rst ed. 1987), A Sociedade dos Indivíduos, Lisboa, Publ. D. Quixote.
- Faia, Maria Amélia (2005), O Eu Construído. Identidade Pessoal e Consciência de Si, Coimbra, Minerva.
-Foucault, Michel (1973 - Span. Ed. 1981), Ceci N’ Est Pas Une Pipe, Montpellier, Fata Morgane.
-Foucault, Michel (1980), Naissance de la Clinique, Paris, PUF.
- Foucault, Michel (1975), Surveiller et Punir. Naissance de la Prison, Paris, Gallimard.
- Foucault, Michel (1994 – French ed. 1976), História da Sexualidade. I – A Vontade de Saber, Lisboa, Relógio d’ Água.
- Foucault, Michel (2004), Microfísica do Poder, São Paulo, Ed. Paz e Terra.
-Frade, Pedro Miguel (1992), Figuras do Espanto. A Fotografia Antes da Sua Cultura, Porto, ASA.
- Fraser, Mariam & Greco, Monica (eds.) (2005), The Body. A Reader, London, Routledge.
- Gibson, James (1979), The Ecological Approach To Visual Perception, Hillsdale, New Jersey, Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc., Publ.
- Giddens, Anthony (1992- Port. ed. 1995), The Transformation of Intimacy – Sexuality, Love and Eroticism in Modern Societies, Oxford, Blackwell Publ.
-Gil, José (1996), A Imagem-Nua e as Pequenas Percepções. Estética e Metafenomenologia, Lisboa, Relógio d’ Água.
-Gil, José (1997), Metamorfoses do Corpo, Lisboa, Relógio d’ Água.
- Gil, José (2001), Movimento Total. O Corpo e a Dança, Lisboa, Relógio d’ Água.
-Goffman, Erving (1959 - Port. ed. 1993), The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. New York, Garden City, 1959.
- Goffman, Erving (1987), Façons de Parler, Paris, Les Éd. de Minuit.
- Gruen, Arno (1996 – German ed. 1986), A Traição do Eu. O Medo da Autonomia no Homem e na Mulher, Lisboa, Assírio & Alvim.
- Hammer, Martin(2005), Clearing away the screens, Francis Bacon. Portraits and Heads, Edinburgh, National Galleries of Scotland, pp.15-27.
- Gruen, Arno (1996 – German ed. 1984), A Traição do Eu. O Medo da Autonomia no Homem e na Mulher, Lisboa, Assírio & Alvim.
-Hunt, Lynn (1993- Braz. Ed. 1999), The Invention of Pornography. Obscenity and the Origins of Modernity, New York, Zone Books.
-Illich, Ivan (1995), Guarding the eye in the age of show, Res, 28, Anthropology and aesthetics, pp. 47-61.
- Ingold, Tim (2001), From complementarity to obviation: on dissolving the boundaries between social and biological anthropology, archaeology and psychology, Cycles of Contingency. Developmental Systems and Evolution (ed. Oyama, Susan et al ), Cambridge/Mass., London, MIT Press, pp. 255-279.
- Ingold, Tim (2004), Culture on the ground. The world perceived through the feet, Journal of Material Culture, vol. 9 (3), pp. 315-340.
- Ingold, Tim (2007 – under press- pers. comm.), Materials against materiality, Archaeological Dialogues.
- Ingold, Tim (2000- 2002- pb), The Perception of the Environment. Essays in Livelihood, Dwelling and Skill, London, Routledge.
- Jorge, Vítor O. (2005), The past on stage, Journal of Iberian Archaeology, vol. 7, pp. 235 – 243.
- Jorge, Vitor O. et al. (eds) (2003), As Imagens Que nos Vêem, Porto, ADECAP.
- Jours, Christophe de (2001), Subjectivité, travail et action, Os Outros em Eu (VV.AA. eds), Porto, IPATIMUP, pp. 65-76.
- Lacan, Jacques (6th ed. – 2006), Écrits: A Selection, London, Rootledge.
- Lakoff, George & Johnson, Mark (1999), Philosophy in the Flesh. The Embodied Mind and its Challenge to Western Thought, New York, Basic Books.
- Latour, Bruno (1996), Petite Réflexion Sur Le Culte Moderne des Dieux Faitiches, Paris, Synthélabo.
- Lejeune, Philippe (1980), Je Est Un Autre. L’ Autogiographie de la Littérature aux Médias, Paris, Du Seuil.
- Levinas, Emmanuel (1965 - Port. ed. 1988), Totalité et Infini, Essai sur l’ Extériorité, Martinus Nijhoff.
-Levinas Emmanuel (1982- Port. ed. 1988), Éthique et Infini, Paris, Lib. Fayard et Radio-France.
- Mahon, Alyce (2005), Eroticism and Art, Oxford University Press.
- Marnhac, Anne de (2005- French ed. 2004), Antes e Depois. Os Rostos da Beleza, Lisboa, Livros do Brasil.
- Marzano, Michela (2007), Philosophie du Corps, Paris, PUF.
- Medeiros, Margarida (2000), Fotografia e Narcisismo. O Auto-Retrato Contemporâneo, Lisboa, Assírio & Alvim.
- Merleau-Ponty, Maurice (1964), L’ Oeil et l’ Esprit, Paris, É. Gallimard.
-Miglietti, Francesca Alfano (2003), Extreme Bodies. The Use and Abuse of the Body in Art, Milano, Skira.
- Moore, Henrietta (1994), A Passion for Difference. Essays in Anthropology and Gender, Cambridge, Polity Press.
- Nava, Ana Sofia (2003), O Cérebro Apanhado em Flagrante. Uma abordagem Integradora da Psicanálise, Grupanálise, Etologia e Neurociências, Lisboa, Climepsi ed.
- Nye, Robert A. (ed.) (1999), Sexuality, Oxford University Press.
- Patterson, Mark (2006), Consumption and Everyday Life, London, Routledge.
- Pearson, Mike & Shanks, Michael (2001), Theatre/Archaeology, London, Routledge.
- Pontalis, J.- B. (2001- French ed. 1999), Entre o Sonho e a Dor, Lisboa, Fenda Ed.
- Renfrew, Colin (2003), Figuring it Out. What are we? Where do we come from? The parallel visions of artists and archaeologists, London, Thames & Hudson.
- Ricoeur, Paul (1990), Soi-Même Comme un Autre, Paris, Ed. du Seuil.
- Rosa, António Ramos (2001), Antologia Poética, Lisboa, Publicações D. Quixote.
-Ross, Christine (2006), The Aesthetics of Disengagement. Contemporary Art and Depression, Minneapolis, Univ. of Mimnnsota Press.
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- Almeida, Miguel Vale de (ed.) (1996), Corpo Presente. Treze Reflexões Antropológicas sobre o Corpo, Oeiras, Celta Ed.
- Aloni, Udi (2004), Local Angel. Theological Political Fragments [DVD with comments by Ronell, Badiou, Zizek], London, Institute of Contemporary Art.
- Assoun, Paul-Laurent (2003), Lacan, Paris, PUF.
- Azevedo, Orlanda de (2003), As Metamorfoses do Corpo e o Problema da Identidade, Lisbon, Ed. Colibri.
- Bacon, Francis (1996), Francis Bacon. Entretiens avec Michel Archimbaud, Paris, Flammarion.
- Barthes, Roland (1981- Port. ed. 1981), Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography, New York, Hill & Wang.
-Baqué, Dominique (2002), Mauvais Genre(s). Érotisme, Pornographie, Art Contemporain, Paris, Editions du Regard.
- Bataille, Georges (1957- Port. ed. 1968), L’ Érotisme, Paris, Les Ed. de Minuit.
-Baudrillard, Jean (1972 - Port. ed. 1995), Pour Une Critique de l’ Économie Politique du Signe, Paris, Éd. Gallimard.
- Baudrillard, Jean (1991 – French ed. 1981), Simulacros e Simulação, Lisbon, Relógio d’ Água.
- Benjamin, Walter (2004), Imagens de Pensamento, Lisboa, Assírio & Alvim.
- Bennett, Tony (2004 – or. 1988), The exhibitory complex, Grasping the World. The Idea of the Museum (ed. Preziosi, D. & Farago, Claire), Aldershot, Ashgate Publishing Company, pp. 413- 441.
- Berger, John (2004 - Spanish ed. 2005), Ways of Seeing, London, Penguin Books.
- Bohm, David (1996), On Creativity, London, Routledge.
-Breton, David le (1992), Des Visages. Essai d’ Antrropologie, Paris, Éd. Métaillée.
- Breton, David le (1997- 3rd ed.), La Sociologie du Corps, Paris, PUF.
- Breton, David le (1997- Port. ed. 1999), Du Silence, Paris, Éd. Métaillée.
-Breton, David le (1998), Les Passions Ordinaires. Anthropologie des Émotions, Paris, Armand Colin.
-Breton, David Le (2000- 1rst ed. 1990), Anthropologie du Corps et Modernité, Paris, PUF.
- Buchli, Victor (ed.) (2005- pb ed.), The Material Culture Reader, Oxford, Berg.
- Bussagli, Marco (2006), El Cuerpo Humano. Anatomía y Simbolismo, Barcelona, Electa.
-Butler, Judith (1993), Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of Sex, London, Routledge.
- Butler, Judith (1993), Problemas de Género. Feminismo e Subversão da Identidade, Rio de Janeiro, Ed. Civilização Brasileira.
- Carlos, Isabel (ed.), Glamour. Arte Seduzida e Sedutora, Porto, Público & Fundação de Serralves.
- Cascais, António Fernando (ed.) (2004), Indisciplinar a Teoria. Estudos Gays, Lésbicos e Queer, Lisboa, Fenda Ed.
- Ceitil, Maria João (2003), Pôr o Corpo a Pensar, Lisboa, ISPA.
- Chemouni, Jacquy (1977), Psychanalyse et Anthropologie: Lévi-Strauss et Freud, Paris, Ed. L’ Harmattan.
- Cotton, Charlotte (2004), The Photography as Contemporary Art, London, Thames and Hudson.
- Courtine, Jean- Jacques & Haroche, Claudine (1988 - Port. ed. 1995), Histoire du Visage, Exprimer et Taire ses Émotions (du XVIe siècle au début du XXe siècle), Paris, Éditions Rivages.
- Crary, Jonathan (2001), Suspensions of Perception. Attention, Spectacle, and Modern Culture, Cambridge/Mass, London, The MIT Press.
- Debray, Régis (1992), Vie et Mort de l’ Image. Une Histoire du Regard en Occident, Paris, Gallimard.
- Deleuze, Gilles (2004, 2006 – French ed. 1983, 1985), A Imagem-Movimento. Cinema 1. A Imagem-Tempo. Cinema 2, Lisboa, Assírio & Alvim.
- Deleuze, Gilles & Guattari, Félix (1966), O Anti-Édipo. Capitalismo e Esquizofrenia, Lisboa, Assírio & Alvim.
- Dicks, Bella (2003), Culture on Display. The Production of Contemporary Visibility, Maidenhead, Open University Press.
- Doyle, Jennifer (2006), Sex Objects. Art and The Dialectics of Desire, Minneapolis, Univ. of Minnesota Press.
- Elias, Norbert (1993- 1rst ed. 1987), A Sociedade dos Indivíduos, Lisboa, Publ. D. Quixote.
- Faia, Maria Amélia (2005), O Eu Construído. Identidade Pessoal e Consciência de Si, Coimbra, Minerva.
-Foucault, Michel (1973 - Span. Ed. 1981), Ceci N’ Est Pas Une Pipe, Montpellier, Fata Morgane.
-Foucault, Michel (1980), Naissance de la Clinique, Paris, PUF.
- Foucault, Michel (1975), Surveiller et Punir. Naissance de la Prison, Paris, Gallimard.
- Foucault, Michel (1994 – French ed. 1976), História da Sexualidade. I – A Vontade de Saber, Lisboa, Relógio d’ Água.
- Foucault, Michel (2004), Microfísica do Poder, São Paulo, Ed. Paz e Terra.
-Frade, Pedro Miguel (1992), Figuras do Espanto. A Fotografia Antes da Sua Cultura, Porto, ASA.
- Fraser, Mariam & Greco, Monica (eds.) (2005), The Body. A Reader, London, Routledge.
- Gibson, James (1979), The Ecological Approach To Visual Perception, Hillsdale, New Jersey, Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc., Publ.
- Giddens, Anthony (1992- Port. ed. 1995), The Transformation of Intimacy – Sexuality, Love and Eroticism in Modern Societies, Oxford, Blackwell Publ.
-Gil, José (1996), A Imagem-Nua e as Pequenas Percepções. Estética e Metafenomenologia, Lisboa, Relógio d’ Água.
-Gil, José (1997), Metamorfoses do Corpo, Lisboa, Relógio d’ Água.
- Gil, José (2001), Movimento Total. O Corpo e a Dança, Lisboa, Relógio d’ Água.
-Goffman, Erving (1959 - Port. ed. 1993), The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. New York, Garden City, 1959.
- Goffman, Erving (1987), Façons de Parler, Paris, Les Éd. de Minuit.
- Gruen, Arno (1996 – German ed. 1986), A Traição do Eu. O Medo da Autonomia no Homem e na Mulher, Lisboa, Assírio & Alvim.
- Hammer, Martin(2005), Clearing away the screens, Francis Bacon. Portraits and Heads, Edinburgh, National Galleries of Scotland, pp.15-27.
- Gruen, Arno (1996 – German ed. 1984), A Traição do Eu. O Medo da Autonomia no Homem e na Mulher, Lisboa, Assírio & Alvim.
-Hunt, Lynn (1993- Braz. Ed. 1999), The Invention of Pornography. Obscenity and the Origins of Modernity, New York, Zone Books.
-Illich, Ivan (1995), Guarding the eye in the age of show, Res, 28, Anthropology and aesthetics, pp. 47-61.
- Ingold, Tim (2001), From complementarity to obviation: on dissolving the boundaries between social and biological anthropology, archaeology and psychology, Cycles of Contingency. Developmental Systems and Evolution (ed. Oyama, Susan et al ), Cambridge/Mass., London, MIT Press, pp. 255-279.
- Ingold, Tim (2004), Culture on the ground. The world perceived through the feet, Journal of Material Culture, vol. 9 (3), pp. 315-340.
- Ingold, Tim (2007 – under press- pers. comm.), Materials against materiality, Archaeological Dialogues.
- Ingold, Tim (2000- 2002- pb), The Perception of the Environment. Essays in Livelihood, Dwelling and Skill, London, Routledge.
- Jorge, Vítor O. (2005), The past on stage, Journal of Iberian Archaeology, vol. 7, pp. 235 – 243.
- Jorge, Vitor O. et al. (eds) (2003), As Imagens Que nos Vêem, Porto, ADECAP.
- Jours, Christophe de (2001), Subjectivité, travail et action, Os Outros em Eu (VV.AA. eds), Porto, IPATIMUP, pp. 65-76.
- Lacan, Jacques (6th ed. – 2006), Écrits: A Selection, London, Rootledge.
- Lakoff, George & Johnson, Mark (1999), Philosophy in the Flesh. The Embodied Mind and its Challenge to Western Thought, New York, Basic Books.
- Latour, Bruno (1996), Petite Réflexion Sur Le Culte Moderne des Dieux Faitiches, Paris, Synthélabo.
- Lejeune, Philippe (1980), Je Est Un Autre. L’ Autogiographie de la Littérature aux Médias, Paris, Du Seuil.
- Levinas, Emmanuel (1965 - Port. ed. 1988), Totalité et Infini, Essai sur l’ Extériorité, Martinus Nijhoff.
-Levinas Emmanuel (1982- Port. ed. 1988), Éthique et Infini, Paris, Lib. Fayard et Radio-France.
- Mahon, Alyce (2005), Eroticism and Art, Oxford University Press.
- Marnhac, Anne de (2005- French ed. 2004), Antes e Depois. Os Rostos da Beleza, Lisboa, Livros do Brasil.
- Marzano, Michela (2007), Philosophie du Corps, Paris, PUF.
- Medeiros, Margarida (2000), Fotografia e Narcisismo. O Auto-Retrato Contemporâneo, Lisboa, Assírio & Alvim.
- Merleau-Ponty, Maurice (1964), L’ Oeil et l’ Esprit, Paris, É. Gallimard.
-Miglietti, Francesca Alfano (2003), Extreme Bodies. The Use and Abuse of the Body in Art, Milano, Skira.
- Moore, Henrietta (1994), A Passion for Difference. Essays in Anthropology and Gender, Cambridge, Polity Press.
- Nava, Ana Sofia (2003), O Cérebro Apanhado em Flagrante. Uma abordagem Integradora da Psicanálise, Grupanálise, Etologia e Neurociências, Lisboa, Climepsi ed.
- Nye, Robert A. (ed.) (1999), Sexuality, Oxford University Press.
- Patterson, Mark (2006), Consumption and Everyday Life, London, Routledge.
- Pearson, Mike & Shanks, Michael (2001), Theatre/Archaeology, London, Routledge.
- Pontalis, J.- B. (2001- French ed. 1999), Entre o Sonho e a Dor, Lisboa, Fenda Ed.
- Renfrew, Colin (2003), Figuring it Out. What are we? Where do we come from? The parallel visions of artists and archaeologists, London, Thames & Hudson.
- Ricoeur, Paul (1990), Soi-Même Comme un Autre, Paris, Ed. du Seuil.
- Rosa, António Ramos (2001), Antologia Poética, Lisboa, Publicações D. Quixote.
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copyright voj 2007
All the papers of this session (co-coordinated by Julian Thomas, Univ. of Manchester, and having as discussant Tim Ingold, Univ. of Aberdeen) will be published in JIA (Journal of Iberian Archaeology) vol. 9/10 (2006/2007) during the first half of 2007.
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