domingo, 2 de março de 2008

Archaeological excavation as performance

Performance is not only something to be seen by others, like in the architecture of a formal theatre, where there is a scene (for the actors) and an auditorium (for the audience, the spectators), often divided by curtains, the signs of something hidden (to be displayed at a certain moment).
Performance involves a con-fusion between the two. It also implies not only the view and the ear, like when we are looking at a screen, but all the senses.
If there is a narrative, it is not the staging of a text, the re-presentation of a play, but the very creation in vivo of that “play” – it is the presentation of something new: in some way, it erases the divide between text and action, past and present.
Performance aims to be like an Apparition: the very evidence, the irrefutable Presence.

Performance is a work of the body, with the body; and in that sense it approaches dance and choreography. But, having an important part of improvisation, it implies a particular kind of energy and risk.
It has something excessive, a desire of expansion beyond common contention of the actor, of the character. It is in a limit, in a transitional status.
From that limit, sometimes in the very proscenium of the conventional theatre, something is expected to happen that is unpredictable, unique.

Performance is the religious ritual of the laic society.
In my last studies I have been searching for connecting performance and archaeological excavation, trying to develop (as in a piece of music) some variations in turn of these theme.
My ultimate point is that excavation is one of those “profane rituals” of modernity and, indeed, of post-modernity.
Ultimately the excavation has no goal of revealing a hidden, deep texture (a past), instead it acts out as a common desire in order to enact a dead site at the surface of the present, assembling people, bodies, in a particular king of choreography.
In spite of that, it makes sense(s).

Photo: Ernesto Timor

2 comentários:

mdg disse...

Maybe you are interested in Barbara Bolt's book "Art Beyond Representation. The performative power of the image". Link in google,M1


Vitor Oliveira Jorge disse...

Yes, many thanks, the title fits exactly my interests, I will search and then I will tell something. Keep in touch!