sexta-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2007

O que são os TAG's


Do mesmo site transcrevo:

The Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG) was founded as a national body in 1979 with the aim of promoting debate and discussion of issues in theoretical archaeology. Its principal activity is the promotion of an annual conference, traditionally held in December and organised so as to be accessible at low cost to research students and others.

TAG is managed and steered by a National Committee that meets annually and comprises a representative from each of the university departments that have hosted a TAG Conference. Convening and organizing National Committee meetings, and administering TAG finances, is the duty of the TAG Trustees who are:
Colin Renfrew (1979 - date)
Andrew Fleming (1979 - 2001)
Timothy Darvill (2001 - date)

TAG Meetings and Conferences

Annual Conferences

2008 Southampton (details to be confirmed)
2007 York (details to be confirmed)
2006 Exeter (15-18 December)
2005 Sheffield (19-21 December)
2004 Glasgow Tartan TAG (17-19 December)
2003 Lampeter (17-19 December)
2002 Manchester (21-23 December)
2001 Dublin: TAG in Ireland (13-15 December)
Site link down
2000 Oxford (18-20 December)
Site link down
1999 Cardiff (14-17 December)
1998 Birmingham (19-21 December)
1997 Bournemouth (16-18 December)
1996 Liverpool (16-18 December)
1995 Reading (18-21 December)
1994 Bradford (14-16 December)
1993 Durham (13-16 December)
1992 Southampton: euro-TAG (14-16 December)
1991 Leicester
1990 Lampeter (17-20 December)
1989 Newcastle upon Tyne (18-20 December)
1988 Sheffield (13-15 December)
1987 Bradford (15-17 December)
1986 University College London (15-17 December)
1985 Glasgow
1984 Cambridge (14-16 December)
1983 Cardiff (12-14 December)
1982 Durham (13-15 December)
1981 Reading (14-16 December)
1980 Southampton (14-16 December)
1979 Sheffield (17-19 December)

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