domingo, 31 de janeiro de 2010
sexta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2010
Sylvie Guillem in an extract from William Forsythe's "In the Middle Somewhat Elevated"
quinta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2010
Fashion - Exploring Critical Issues
2nd Global Conference
Fashion - Exploring Critical Issues
Thursday 23rd September - Sunday 26th September 2010
Oriel College, Oxford
Call for Papers
Fashion is a statement, a stylised form of
expression which displays and begins to define a
person, a place, a class, a time, a religion, a
culture, and even a nation. This interdisciplinary
and transdisciplinary conference seeks to explore the historical,
social, cultural, psychological and artistic
phenomenon of fashion. Fashion lies at the
very heart of persons, their sense of identity and
the communities in which they live. Individuals
emerge as icons of beauty and style; cities are
identified as centres of fashion. The project will
assess the history and meanings of fashion;
evaluate its expressions in politics,
music, film, media and consumer culture; determine
its effect on gender, sexuality, class, race, age
and identity; examine the practice, tools, and
business of fashion; consider the methodologies of
studying fashion; and explore future directions
and trends.
Papers, presentations, workshops and pre-formed panels
are invited on issues related to any of the
following themes:
1. Understanding Fashion
~ Fashion, Style, Taste-Making, and Chic
~ Fashion and Fashionability
~ Fashion and Zeitgeist
~ History of Fashion
~ Fashion Theory
~ Fashion, Politics, and Ideology: e.g., 'message'
fashion; fashion as a political platform, fashion
as defiance; graffiti as a fashion statement
2. Studying Fashion
~ Tools and Methodology; disciplines and
perspectives; professions and trades
~ Documentation
~ Identifying, defining and refining concepts:
e.g., 'style,' 'fashion,' 'look,' 'fad,' 'trend,'
'in & out'
~ 'Chasing' Fashion: Studying fashion collections,
archives, and museums
~ Fashion collections; fashion archives
~ Designers and Muses
3. Cultures of Fashion
~ Fashion in the City
~ Men and Fashion; Children and Fashion
~ Fashion Subcultures: e.g., pets and fashion,
sports and fashion, supermodels, The Red Carpet,
celebrity, vintage, glamour, gothic, etc.
~ Fashion and Nostalgia
~ Fashion and Professional Dress: e.g., Fashion
and the Law
~ Ethical Issues in Fashion: e.g., cruelty free
fashion; PETA anti-fur movement; slave labour,
sweatshops, child labour; the growing 'fakes' market
4. Fashion and Identity
~ Fashion, Culture, and the Human body (e.g.,
beauty standards, body
art, weight, plastic surgery
~ Self-fashioning: e.g., fashion as performance;
body modifications, including make-up, hair
design, piercings, tattoos, body sculpting,
plastic surgery
~ Fashion and Social Status: Gender, Sexuality,
Class, Race, Age and Fashion
~ Fashion and National Identities
~ Fashion and Transnational Identities
~ Fashion and Religion
5. Fashion, Representation, and Evolving Patterns
of Communication & Criticism
~ Fashion Photography, Magazines, Blogs, and Twitter
~ Fashion Icons
~ Fashion, Film and the Performing Arts
~ Fashion and Music
~ Fashion and Fantasy
~ Fashion and Television
6. Fashion Practice
~ Fashion and Curatorial Practice: e.g.,
possibilities and problems of
creating fashion Archives; creating and accessing
private and public fashion collections
~ Fashion Design
~ Fashion Specialists: e.g., pattern makers,
fitters, embroiderers, tailors, textile experts
~ Fashion Economies and the business of fashion,
e.g., traditional markets, the luxury industry,
the design industry, producing and displaying
fashion (building showrooms, production sites, runway)
~ Beyond Dress: e.g., architecture, food,
furniture, kitchens, perfume
~ Style Guides and Makeover Shows
7. The Future of Fashion
~ Trends and Cycles; predicting fashion
~ The Materials of Fashion: e.g., eco-fashion,
intelligent textiles, nano-technology, etc.
~ The rise of the Accessory as the Driving Force
of Fashion: e.g., handbags and shoes
~ Branding, the Mass Market, and Consumerism:
e.g., designer collections at H & M, Top Shop, M &
S, Target, Wal-Mart
~ Celebrities as Fashion Designers: e.g. J. Lo,
Jessica Simpson, Kate Moss, Victoria Beckham, P.Diddy.
~ Anti-Fashion
Papers will be accepted which deal with related
areas and themes.
The 2010 meeting of Fashion - Exploring Critical
Issues will run alongside our project on
Multiculturalism, Conflict and Belonging and we
anticipate holding sessions in common between the
two projects. We welcome any papers considering
the problems or addressing issues of
Fashion and Multiculturalism, Conflict and Belonging.
Papers will be considered on any related theme.
300 word abstracts should be submitted by Friday
26th March 2010. If an abstract is
accepted for the conference, a full draft paper
should be submitted by Friday 13th August 2010.
300 word abstracts should be submitted to the
Organising Chairs; abstracts may be in Word,
WordPerfect, or RTF formats, following this order:
a) author(s), b) affiliation, c) email address, d)
title of abstract, e) body of abstract
E-mails should be entitled: Fashion Abstract
Please use plain text (Times Roman 12) and abstain
from using any special formatting, characters or
emphasis (such as bold, italics or
underline). We acknowledge receipt and answer to
all paper proposals submitted. If you do not
receive a reply from us in a week you should
assume we did not receive your proposal; it might
be lost in cyberspace! We suggest, then, to look
for an alternative electronic route or resend.
Organising Chairs
Jacque Lynn Foltyn
Chair, Dept of Social Sciences, College of Letters
and Sciences,
National University, CA, USA
E-mail: jfoltyn@nu.edu
Rob Fisher
Network Founder and Network Leader,
Inter-Disciplinary.Net, Freeland,
Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
E-mail: fashion2@inter-disciplinary.net
The conference is part of the Critical Issues
series of research projects. The aim of the
conference is to bring together people from
different areas and interests to share ideas and
explore various discussions which are innovative
and exciting. All papers accepted for
and presented at this conference are eligible for
publication in an ISBN eBook. Selected papers may
be invited to go forward for development into
a themed ISBN hard copy volume.
For further details about the project please visit:
For further details about the conference please visit:
terça-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2010
Conferência sobre o pensador francês Jacques Lacan, pela Profa Maria Cristina Daniel Álvares, da Universidade do Minho

Entrada livre, a não perder - no próximo dia 25 de Março
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
Dia 25 de Março de 2010
15,30 horas
Sala 106
Profa Maria Cristina Daniel Álvares *
da Universidade do Minho
Esta é outra oportunidade ÚNICA !
"Diálogos com a Ciência"
De 8 de Outubro de 2009 a 18 de Maio de 2010.
No dia 11 de Fevereiro. Gabriela Rocha Martins vai estar, desta vez, com o Prémio de Poesia Pablo Neruda e da Associação Portuguesa de Escritores, entre muitos outros, Nuno Júdice, com a escritora Alice Macedo Campos e com o docente, investigador e escritor Vitor Oliveira Jorge.
8 Outubro 2009 - 21:30
D. Manuel Clemente e Carlos Fiolhais
29 Outubro 2009 - 21:30
Loureiro dos Santos, José Rodrigues do Carmo e Paulo Portas
12 Novembro 2009 - 21:30
Maria Azenha, valter hugo mãe e Teresa Tudela
26 Novembro 2009 - 21:30
Luís Oliveira, João Lobo Antunes e Maria do Sameiro Barroso
17 Dezembro 2009 - 21:30
Maria Flávia de Monsaraz, Luís Resina e Estela Guedes
14 Janeiro 2010 - 21:30
Fernando Nobre, Adriano Moreira e Rui Marrana
28 Janeiro 2010 - 21:30
Paulo Cunha e Silva, Rui Vieira Nery, Heitor Alvelos e Paulo Ribeiro
11 Fevereiro 2010 - 21:30
Gabriela Rocha Martins, Alice Macedo Campos, Nuno Júdice e Vitor Oliveira Jorge
25 Fevereiro 2010 - 21:30
Alexandre Quintanilha, Palmira F. Silva, Mª Beatriz Porto e Vasco Pinto Magalhães s.j.
11 Março de 2010 - 21:30
José Augusto Mourão, Sheik David Munir, Celeste Natário e Paulo Borges.
CIÊNCIA E POLÍTICA: Portugal e a Europa nos contextos globais
18 de Março 2010 - 11:00
Aníbal Cavaco Silva e José Manuel Durão Barroso
Sessão de Encerramento
Conferência aberta a todos na Faculdade de Letras do Porto
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
Dia 8 de Março de 2010
13,30 horas
Sala de reuniões- 2º piso
Profa Fernanda Bernardo *
da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra
Derrida - o gosto do segredo
Responsabilidade, Hospitalidade, Justiça e Democracia.
A Profa Fernanda Bernardo é reconhecida como uma das especialistas de Jacques Derrida a nível internacional.
Jacques Derrida foi um dos pensadores mais notáveis do nosso tempo, com profusa quantidade de livros e artigos publicados (uma figura incontornável para quem quiser perceber o mundo em que vivemos) estando em curso a publicação póstuma dos seus 43 volumes de cursos.
Esta é uma oportunidade ÚNICA, a não perder.
segunda-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2010
sequência pastoril

esse teu movimento
de camponesa despida
trazendo-me os lábios e os seios
a sua cor vermelha
como se fosse
uma colheita de maçãs
esse à-vontade
com que te aproximas nua,
com o sol ruivo
a desdobrar-se em fios, em
pequenos novelos,
como uma decoração
entre as pernas
esse teu ar atrevido
de quem vai proceder
à coisa mais natural deste mundo
apresentas-te como
um ninfa, uma estátua serena,
com um pé nu à frente
e toda tu atrás, resoluta e
natural como uma miúda
iniciando um jogo
e sorris abertamente
como uma estação
que se abre, fulva,
como se o que se vai passar
fizesse parte dos prados
e laranjeiras, e hortos
caminhas para mim
e sideras-me totalmente
esse modo de cruzares os braços
para erguer a blusa
essa forma de te destapares sorrindo
lanças-me a língua
ao sexo
como se fosse a primeira vez
e uma romã, ou framboesa
fosse o sabor
por que o teu palato aspira
com curiosidade
lanças-me esse olhar
de confirmação
enquanto me contorço
e da janela entrevejo
o estalido das romãs
a abrir
ofereces-te agora
de costas
com os cabelos descendo
quase até às nádegas
agarro aí o sol do poente
os silvos dos pássaros
e cheiro pela primeira vez
todo o teu corpo,
a pele, os seus
pequenos pêlos fulvos
a modulação das colinas
o modo como a boca
desce para os vales
a água
o estremecer
de músculos
dobro-te toda
os calcanhares rosados
pequenos sinais nas ancas
os joelhos contra os seios
quase te desfaço
com se te quisesse reduzir
a um passarinho
que pudesse engolir
mas tu logo
com um gemido
te desdobras de novo
e pairas sobre mim,
dominas-me o ventre
trincas-me de novo
e um pardal foge da janela
e nestas coisas andamos
enquanto pelo quadrado
da porta
as luas e os sóis se sucedem
como se a nudez
nos imunizasse do tempo
e dos intrusos
e os próprios relógios
nos olhassem com o respeito
de não interromper
ao longe, sobre
um dos braços do maple
o teu soutien
e sobre outro a camisa
ganham eternidade
é inevitável
o odor das ovelhas
e o do leite
que escorre
a paragem dos copos
as gargalhadas
a minha cabeça passando tardes
sobre o teu rabo
o fluxo do sangue
as pulsações
e os movimentos súbitos
que mudam
e trazem de novo os lábios
uma fulva humidade
uma paz imensa
viro-te sobre a cama
como se fosse ordenhar-te
penetro-te por detrás, fundo,
num súbito arremedo
e os lençóis ondulam
em luzes e sombras
como a superfície da areia
quando a água recua
viras a cabeça
para me interpretares
e vês as narinas dilatadas
a captar os odores todos
de dentro e de fora
o teu balido como ovelha
e em torno dos mamilos
giram as pequenas
enquanto a expressão
se te altera
está um cavalo a espreitar
de olhos muito abertos
os êmbolos trabalham
com a lentidão e segurança
dos moinhos de água
as tuas duas nádegas
abrem-se ao cavalo
às mãos transtornadas
qualquer coisa abre
é a fonte que dá
de beber aos caules
é a seiva a transcorrer
nos vasos verdes,
são os olhos das ovelhas
muito abertos
é a lã, o seu odor,
os pássaros a subirem-me
pelo sexo
é o quarto todo
que circula em torno
são os sulcos rasgados
por onde escorre, serena,
a conclusão
Vítor Oliveira Jorge
Critical Social Theory: Freud & Lacan for the 21st Century
Call for Papers
Critical Social Theory:
Freud & Lacan For the 21st Century
April 7 and 8, 2010
University of Massachusetts Boston
Dear Colleague,
A COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF THE MEETING APPEARS BELOW. I encourage you to participate in this meeting by submitting a ONE-PAGE ABSTRACT as an email attachment to the Chair of the Organizing Committee, Professor Siamak Movahedi at SocialTheoryAbstrac ts@libraryofsoci alscience. com no later than February 9, 2010.
The Social Theory Forum (STF) is an annual conference organized by the University of Massachusetts, Boston in order to creatively explore, promote and publish cross-disciplinary social theory—and to develop new, integrative theoretical structures and practices.
The 2010 meeting welcomes submissions in feminist theory, queer theory, literary criticism, social linguistics, conversational analysis, philosophy of mind, etc. that critically engage and interrogate Freud or Lacan. Conference organizers ask authors to submit a one page-page abstract as an email attachment to SocialTheoryAbstrac ts@libraryofsoci alscience. com no later than February 9, 2010.
Upon selection and notification of approval by the organizing committee, submitters must send completed presentation paper manuscripts (around 12-15 double-spaced pages in Times12 typeface) by March 22, 2010. As in previous years, papers will be peer-reviewed by anonymous referees for publication in a volume based on the conference.
PLEASE SEND YOUR ABSTRACT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to Professor Movahedi at SocialTheoryAbstracts@libraryofsocialscience.com.
Best regards,
Richard Koenigsberg
Sigmund Freud Foundation Museum & Library, Vienna
University of Rome Tor Vergata, Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, Rome
Clark University Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Worcester
City University of New York Department of Sociology, New York
Boston College Department of Sociology & Psychoanalytic Studies, Chestnut Hill
Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis & The Institute for the Study of
Psychoanalysis and Culture
Brunel University School of Social Sciences, London
Organizing Committee
Siamak Movahedi, Ph.D. (Committee Chair) Professor of Sociology, University
of Massachusetts Boston; Professor of Psychoanalysis and the director of the
Institute for the Study of Psychoanalysis and Culture, Boston Graduate
School of Psychoanalysis.
Samuel Binkley, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Sociology, Emerson College
Neal Bruss, Ph.D. Associate Professor of English, University of
Massachusetts Boston
Patricia Clough, Ph.D. Professor of Sociology and Women Studies, CUNY
Graduate Center
Jorge Capetillo, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Sociology, University of
Massachusetts Boston
Lewis Kirshner, M.D. Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School;
Faculty Boston Psychoanalytic Institute
Glenn Jacobs, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Sociology, University of
Massachusetts Boston
Murray Schwartz, Ph.D. Professor of Psychoanalysis and Literature, Emerson
College; Scholar Member, Boston Psychoanalytic Institute
This year’s conference in April 7th & 8th of 2010 at the University of Massachusetts Boston will explore the relationship between psychoanalysis and critical social theory. From its very beginning Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis has walked the border as a kind of fugitive discipline in academia yet one multifarious in its influence on the mainstream. Surely the welter of hostile and critical responses accompanying its trajectory in the history of ideas bears a kind of testimony to its rich intellectual
underpinning. In sociology it has had a creative influence on critical theorists such as Herbert Marcuse, Eric Fromm, and others of the Frankfurt School, and now has engaged feminist theorists, post-structuralists and other sociologists interested in the way in which unconscious processes figure in the construction of hierarchical social relations.
Jacque Lacan’s French reading of Freud comes particularly close to the sociological imagination. His theory of the symbolic order and the linguistic precursors of the unconscious have added additional dimensions to the discourse of social theory. His notion of the decentered and alienated self rooted in the intellectual culture of Emile Durkheim, Ferdinand de Saussure, Claude Lévi-Strauss and Michel Foucault find its corollaries in the writings of sociologists and philosophers such as George Herbert Mead, Charles Horton Cooley, and Erving Goffman. This year’s Social Theory Forum provides an opportunity for a re-examination and discussion of these fertile
intellectual domains for a new cross-disciplinary pursuit of scholarship in social theory. The conference organizers seek papers that employ rigorous analyses and interpretations of the past and present of these intellectual engagements that form the foundation of modern social theory.
Papers in feminist theory, queer theory, literary criticism, social linguistics, conversational analysis, philosophy of mind, etc. that engage and interrogate Freud or Lacan are all welcomed.
The conference will feature both invited and submitted papers and presentations. We welcome submissions from scholars and graduate students in humanities and social sciences and as well as from writers in allied disciplines. We ask that authors submit a one-page abstract as email attachment (MS Word Format) to SocialTheoryAbstrac ts@libraryofsoci alscience. com no later than February 9,
2010. Upon selection and notification of approval by the organizing committee, submitters must send completed presentation paper manuscripts (around 12-15 pages, preferably double-spaced in Times 12 typeface) by March 15, 2010. We are in the process of securing a publishing venue for selected papers. As in prior years, the papers will be peer-reviewed by anonymous referees for possible publication. Details will be announced before the conference.
About the Social Theory Forum
Department of Sociology
University of Massachusetts Boston
The Social Theory Forum (STF) is an annual conference organized jointly by the sociology, other departments, institutions, interested faculty and students at University of Massachusetts Boston in order to creatively explore, develop, promote, and publish cross-disciplinary social theory in a critical framework. STF offers faculty and students of UMass Boston and other area colleges and universities an interactive medium to discuss various aspects of the way in which particular theoretical traditions can be relevant to present everyday issues, as well as to the current state and the future of social theory.
Correspondence address
Attn.: Social Theory Forum
Department of Sociology
University of Massachusetts Boston
100 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, MA 02125
Source: http://freestudiesabroad.blogspot.com/2010/01/cfp-critical-social-theory-freud-lacan.html
Tourism and Seductions of Difference. A Critical Tourism Studies Conference

CFP: Tourism and Seductions of Difference. A Critical Tourism Studies Conference
Lisbon, Portugal – 10-12 Sept 2010
The Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change (CTCC), the Network Centre for Anthropological Research (CRIA) and the Tourism-Contact-Culture Research Network (TOCOC) invite you to join TOURISM AND SEDUCTIONS OF DIFFERENCE, an international critical tourism studies conference that will take place in Lisbon, Portugal from 10 to 12 September 2010. The Conference builds on previous events organised by the Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change (CTCC) at Leeds Metropolitan University, UK and will bring a long established tradition in tourism anthropology research at the Portuguese Network Centre for Anthropological Research (CRIA) to a wider international audience. The Conference will also mark the establishment of the Tourism-Contact-Culture Research Network as an international group of university researchers interested in critical tourism research.
As tourism research spreads into the social sciences, the aim of this Conference is to bring together social scientists studying tourism and related social phenomena from different disciplinary perspectives. The focus on ‘seductions of difference’ tackles one of the central ontological premises of tourism, the relations to Others – people, spaces, times, objects – and the way in which these relations enable the constitution and maintenance of Selves. Tourists travel to, and through, spaces ‘different’ from those they inhabit most of the time. They voluntarily expose their bodies to different environments, ingest different foods, live in a different temporality, and meet different people. Many authors have studied how such differences are socially construed, how people, temporalities and places are experienced and brought into being through the perceptive realms of the journey, but also through the political agendas of stakeholders acting within the field of tourism planning and cultural policy. The cultural history of tourism indicates that tourists are ‘drawn in’ by certain types of places – forests, mountains, rivers, churches and religious shrines, stately homes and palaces, ancient monuments, ruins, waterfalls, seashores, countrysides, islands, cities, etc. Some psychologists, for instance, have observed how some places – such as Florence, Jerusalem, or Paris – trigger quasi-Stendhalian epiphanies among certain tourists who often do not seem to share more than a common nationality. Who, or what are they seduced by? What constitutes this arousal? How do tourists learn what to be seduced by? How is the tourist experience and the temptation to travel culturally framed? What can these attractions tell us about the moral order of tourism and modern culture? How are forms of local, ethnic, gender and national self being reshaped in the contact zones of tourism? How are tourist attractions assembled to entice tourists? Seduction is no isolated act but always has some form of consequence and usually demands compensation. In the same vein, touristic consumption is not free, and in different senses implies forms of expected reciprocity. What are the moral obligations of those who lure tourists to a symbolic death by singing a siren song? How are tourists resuscitated, and how do they buy their freedom? What are the threats and consequences of seducing tourists? What happens when tourists seduce? How does tourism seduce all sorts of people and who rejects seduction? What kinds of society result from tourism?
Along with studies on methodological issues in tourism research, we welcome papers that address issues related to the theme of the conference. Indicative topics of interest include:
- The ontological work seduction: maintaining boundaries, differences, separations, times, others
- Formations of seduction: social assemblages, contact cultures, attractions
- Fields of seduction: gender, houses, heritages, nations, territories, classes
- Mediums of seduction: texts, bodies, arts, architectures, foods and natures
- Techniques of seduction: performance, flirtation, enticement, friendship, magic, concealment
- Emotions of seduction: temptations, transgressions, ingestions, emancipations
- Threats of seduction: spoliation, contamination, exclusion, death, degradation
- Politics of seduction: hospitality, containment, kinship, power
- Moralities of seduction: values, reciprocity, obligations, co-habitation
- Consequences of seduction: mobilities, cosmopolitanisms, world society
Academic Committee
David Picard and Maria Cardeira (CRIA, Portugal), Simone Abram and Mike Robinson (CTCC , UK), Saskia Cousin (IIAC-LAOIS, France), Nelson Graburn and Maki Tanaka (UC Berkeley, USA), Noel B. Salazar (CuMoRe, Belgium), Mathis Stocks (Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch, Switzerland), Pamila Gupta (WISER, Witwatersrand, South Africa), Naomi Leite (University of Toronto, Canada), Camila del Marmol (University of Barcelona, Spain), Ramona Lenz (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany), Chiara Cipollari (University of Perugia, Italy), Sanja Kalapos Gasparac (Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, Croatia), Britt Kramvig (Northern Research Institute, Norway), Ester Võsu (University of Tartu, Estonia), Margaret Hard (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain), Michael A. Di Giovine (University of Chicago, USA), Kenneth Little (York University, Toronto, Canada).
Call for papers
To propose a paper, please send a 250 word abstract including title and full contact details to tourismcontactculture@gmail.com. The Call for Papers for this event will initially be open until 20 March 2010. Late abstracts may be considered.
Dr David Picard
CRIA/FCSH-Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon
Email: tourismcontactculture@gmail.com
Web: http://sites.google.com/site/tourismcontactculture/
Partner Websites:
Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change <http://www.tourism-culture.com> (CTCC) (www.tourism-culture.com <http://www.tourism-culture.com> )
Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia <http://www.cria.org.pt> (CRIA) (www.cria.org.pt <http://www.cria.org.pt> ).
Jacques Derrida
domingo, 24 de janeiro de 2010
Alexandre Alves Costa
Alexandre Alves Costa
Última Aula. "Nós somos da Póvoa do Varzim"
21 de Janeiro, 17h30, Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto
(desculpa, Alexandre, eu estava no estrangeiro...)
Alexandre Alves Costa, Professor Jubilado Catedrático da Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto, proferiu a última aula no dia 21 de Janeiro de 2010, às 17h30, no Auditório Fernando Távora da FAUP.
Alexandre Alves Costa diplomou-se em Arquitectura em 1966 pela Escola Superior de Belas-Artes do Porto. Docente desde 1972, tem um longo percurso pedagógico nas áreas de Projecto e História da Arquitectura Portuguesa. Tem desempenhado, desde então, um papel significativo na afirmação do ensino da arquitectura em Portugal. Foi Membro da Comissão Instaladora do Curso de Arquitectura da FAUP, tendo desempenhado os cargos de Presidente do Conselho Directivo e Científico. Foi membro das Comissões Instaladoras dos Cursos de Arquitectura da Universidade de Coimbra e da Universidade do Minho. Foi director do 1º Programa de Doutoramento em Arquitectura da FAUP.
Tem ampla bibliografia publicada, genericamente recolhida em três livros: "Candidatura ao Prémio Jean Tschumi" (2005); "Introdução ao Estudo da História da Arquitectura Portuguesa e Outros Textos" (2007) e "Textos Datados" (2007). Integrou o Conselho Editorial do "Boletim da Universidade do Porto"; da revista "Monumentos" da Direcção Geral dos Edíficios e Monumentos Nacionais e é membro do Conselho Editorial do JA - Jornal Arquitectos da Ordem dos Arquitectos.
sábado, 23 de janeiro de 2010
poder de subversão?
Paris: mundo de sensações... sem mais (ou talvez rematando só com algumas) palavras!