segunda-feira, 30 de abril de 2007

Conferência interessante em Coimbra

No âmbito do ciclo de Seminários/Conferências organizado pelo Departamento
de Antropologia da Universidade de Coimbra vai realizar-se a seguinte Conferência:

"Recursos Multimédia no Trabalho de Campo Etnográfico: uma experiência"


Ruy Llera Blanes
Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa
Leiden University

Universidade de Coimbra – Departamento de Antropologia
02 de Maio de 2007
15.00 horas, Anf I

Departamento de Antropologia e Museu Antropológico

Partindo de uma experiência recente de trabalho de campo no âmbito de uma tese de doutoramento – sobre a música num movimento evangélico cigano em Portugal e Espanha –, proponho discutir a problemática do uso de materiais e técnicas audiovisuais, tanto ao nível do desenvolvimento de dinâmicas de observação participante e interacção no terreno como de produção de textos (nomeadamente, uma dissertação de doutoramento) em suporte multimédia. Começarei por rever alguns dos debates sobre este tópico na disciplina antropológica – o desenvolvimento de uma antropologia visual e uma antropologia multimédia –, para depois introduzir a minha própria investigação como estudo de caso e propô-la para debate.

Entrada livre.

Entrega de Certificado de Participação.

Frida Kahlo

Je remercie Pierre Clavilier de ce message:

Frida Kahlo aurait eut cent ans cette année !

Pour marquer dignement ce centenaire, le 4 mai prochain, à 19h00 dans la librairie
A l’œil au vert
59, rue de l'Amiral Mouchez
75013 PARIS
Tel 01 45 88 67 96

l' auteur prononce une conférence/débat Frida Kahlo, une introspection extérieure et fait la présentation de la biographie Frida Kahlo, les Ailes Froissées (éditions du Jasmin) qu' il lui a consacré.

Mais il n’y a pas de festivité sans une collation aussi la conférence/débat sera suivie d’un verre offert par le libraire. L’entrée est libre.

Son blog:

a incómoda luta diária para permanecer um ser humano

a arte (na sua acepção mais extensa possível) - e sem fazer dela um mito redentor - é talvez a nossa salvação deste mundo do dinheiro e do poder mesquinho, dominado pela obscenidade
dos tecnocratas e dos arrivistas.

feliz daquele que sabe fazer alguma coisa, alguma coisa que dia a dia tenta aperfeiçoar, levado pela sua intuição e pela mais livre das aventuras: a da imaginação, a da fantasia, a da busca incessante, a da recuperação do que ainda em nós resta de humano.

em verdade vos digo: aqueles que tentam fazer de nós máquinas, aqueles que querem reduzir a vida a uma engenharia higiénica - esses estão e estarão sempre condenados ao fracasso.
dentro dos seus fatos azuis, das suas gravatas impecáveis, da sua vida acolchoada pelos privilégios e pelas regalias, não passam de almas penadas, de seres que perderam a razão de ser.

uma lasca de pedra apanhada do chão tem mais valor.
feliz daquele que a traz para casa.
feliz da casa que abre as luzes das janelas à noite,
e onde se trabalha amorosamente fora de horas.
felizes dos que se enlaçam como gansos,
restaurando a energia antiga das imagens belas, inesperadas - esse fulgor.

apesar de tudo.

David Lynch - Eraserhead


a temporalidade das arquitecturas

quando os edifícios envelhecem
e dentro deles se acumulam
gerações e gerações de segredos

quando a pele interior greta
e se abrem noites de universos paralelos

às vezes a acoplagem das naves é perfeita
e a harmonia pode atingir o auge.

o arquitecto voador sorri então
pressentindo a adequação dos arcos
lá no espaço onde há muito tempo
o seu lápis entrou em órbita.

copyright voj 2007


espalhavam-se as linhas por toda a parte
era uma casa azul tapada pela floresta
eu caminhava tropeçando nos ribeiros

queria atingir as janelas
onde do outro lado estivesse a acontecer o tempo
a extensão das raizes
pelas superfícies planas

o bordado silencioso
que trespassasse a pele,
as linhas que permitissem
chegar até às agulhas:

à sua ponta fina, perigosa,

erguida no máximo esplendor do azul,
quando este se desdobra nas outras cores.

copyright voj 2007

Alguns tipos de sítios arqueológicos - "Henges"

Vejam por exemplo:
onde encontram a seguinte definição

"A henge is a roughly circular or oval-shaped flat area over 20m in diameter which is enclosed and delimited by a boundary earthwork that usually comprises a ditch with an external bank. Access to the interior is obtained by way of one, two, or four entrances through the earthwork. Internal components may include portal settings, timber circles, post rings, stone circles, four-stone settings, monoliths, standing posts, pits, coves, post alignments, stone alignments, burials, central mounds, and stakeholes.

Henges are variously identified through fieldwork as earthworks or as cropmarks revealed by aerial photography. In both cases it is the size and arrangement of the earthworks that allows identification.

Henges can sometimes be confused with other kinds of circular monuments, especially when levelled by ploughing. The main sources of confusion are with: ring cairns, enclosed cemeteries, fancy barrows, various classes of later prehistoric enclosed settlements, Roman signal stations, Roman amphitheatres, and windmill mounds. In all cases close attention to the position and extent of the bank and the entranceways is important when distinguishing henges from these other classes. Care must also be taken not to confuse henges with sites where some of the components of henges exist as single monuments in their own right, for example timber circles and stone circles.

Specifically excluded from this definition of henges are the small henge-like monuments with an internal diameter of less than 20m which are defined for the purposes of the Monuments Protection Progarmme as hengi-form monuments, and the very large henge-like enclosures with an irregular outline which are defined as henge enclosures. Also excluded here are sites sometimes referred to as henges but which have a bank inside the ditch.

Henges are generally of late Neolithic date and are currently interpreted as ritual or ceremonial monuments, perhaps meeting places, trading centres, or sacred areas of some sort."

Fonte da imagem:

Alguns tipos de sítios arqueológicos - "Stone Circles"

Vejam por exemplo:
(fonte também da imagem:
Swinside stone circle, in the Lake District,


domingo, 29 de abril de 2007

Poesia e música eslovenas em Lisboa

Rua Coelho da Rocha, 16 (a Campo de Ourique)

têm o prazer de apresentar uma leitura de poesia na CFP
no dia 2 de Maio de 2007 às 18:30 horas

Com a presença dos poetas eslovenos
BRANE Mozetič
e dos poetas portugueses

Os poemas serão lidos em Esloveno e em Português.

Intervenção do músico esloveno
Lado Jaksa (vários instrumentos)

A sessão será apresentada por

e tem o apoio da
Embaixada da Eslovénia em Lisboa, do Instituto Português do Livro e das Bibliotecas, Centro de Línguas e Culturas Eslavas da Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa

The changing colors of external reality seen from my window

3º Ciclo de Estudos de Arqueologia (doutoramento) na FLUP

Já saíu publicado em Diário da República (2ª série) no dia 26 de Abril de 2007.
Clique nas imagens para aumentar.


Field school

Archaeological Excavations
Field School - 1 –28 July 2007
Castanheiro Do Vento (Portugal)

The prehistoric site of Castanheiro do Vento (3rd to 2nd mil BC) is located in Northeast Portugal, in the beautiful Port wine region. A monumental stone enclosure, Castanheiro do Vento is one of the most important places in Iberia and Western Europe for the study of prehistoric architectures of this period. Results have been regularly published in the Journal of Iberian Archaeology and were debated at TAG 2005.

The field school is organised by the University of Porto. Further information about the team, site and region can be found at

For applications and related enquiries please contact Ana Vale (

Applicants will need a real interest in archaeology (we accept anyone above 18 years old, regardless of the subject of his/hers first degree or area of specialization).

Applicants are asked to send a brief CV (including name, email etc.) to Ana Vale at

Directors of the excavation responsible for the acceptance of volunteers:
Prof. Vítor Oliveira Jorge (Univ. do Porto),
João Muralha Cardoso (PhD student, University of Porto),
Ana Margarida Vale (PhD student, University of Porto) e
Gonçalo Leite Velho (lecturer at Instituto Politécnico de Tomar and PhD student, University of Porto).

Local collaboration, with Dr. Ângela Carneiro (Post-doc holder of a FCT-Portugal scholarship) and with archaeologists from British universities.

Excavation: Open air excavation located on the top a hill of easy access. We are digging a very large area that is not protected from sun or rain, etc. People will be transported daily from and back to the village of Freixo de Numão.

Periods of participation & costs:

1 week (from Sun afternoon to following Sat morning): 200 € (= £140/ $236)
2 weeks (2 first ones or 2 last ones): 400 € (= £280/ $ 472)
4 weeks: 800 € (=£560/ $ 944)
To be paid at arrival to the local association ACDR de Freixo de Numão (António Sá Coixão
Phone/fax number 351-279-789573). Costs cover insurance.

Participants must arrive at Freixo railway station on Sunday evening before the first working day and leave in the morning of Saturday following the last day’s work (Participants do not dig on Saturday and Sunday).

sábado, 28 de abril de 2007

Mission in England - two interesting books about the region

The Peak District (Cumbria) was the first National Park to be established in Britain (middle of the XXth century)
(see for instance http://www.natures-desktop.

Prehistorian Mark Edmonds and photographer Tim Seaborne present us in the book above a very suggestive account of the ancient history of this region, from the Mesolithic to the Iron Age.
First published in 2001, it has been reprinted twice since then, by Tempus (Stroud, Gloucestershire)

In the second book (below), also published by Tempus (2004), Mark Edmonds describes how a particular place of that area evolved from the Neolithic to the present.

These are works that bring us an important approach to archaeology: an archaeology connected to a deep understanding of the landscape, and demanding a long term involvement with a particular region. They show us how archaeology is a way of seeing and living an environment that is the opposite experience of the tourist gaze.

William Wordsworth (1770-1850), great romantic poet, and the tourism of a region

(source of the image above, too)

I quote:
"William Wordsworth (April 7, 1770 – April 23, 1850) was a major English romantic poet who, with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, helped launch the Romantic Age in English literature with their 1798 joint publication, "Lyrical Ballads". Wordsworth's masterpiece is generally considered to be "The Prelude", an autobiographical poem of his early years that was revised and expanded a number of times. It was never published during his lifetime, and was only given the title after his death. Up until this time it was generally known as the poem "to Coleridge". Wordsworth was England's Poet Laureate from 1843 until his death in 1850."

William had a Summerhouse in Rydal Mount, Cumbria (not far for Ruskin's House in Brantwood):In this famous book (London, Routledge, 1995 - my edition 2000), John Urry approaches in Chapter 13 the question of "The making of the Lake District" as a tourist destiny. Landscape, sublime, romanticism, archaeology, sports, history, literature, gastronomy, etc., everything is included in one of the most famous areas for tourist leisure all over the world.

Mission in England - John Ruskin (1819-1900)

We have visited John Ruskin's house in Brantwood.

(also source of image)

I quote:
"John Ruskin (February 8, 1819 – January 20, 1900) is best known for his work as an art critic and social critic, but is remembered as an author, poet and artist as well. Ruskin's essays on art and architecture were extremely influential in the Victorian and Edwardian eras.
"Much of his later life was spent at a house called Brantwood, on the shores of Coniston Water located in the Lake District of England.
"Ruskin's beliefs in the preservation of ancient buildings had a significant influence on later thinking about the distinction between the conservation and the restoration of old buildings. Ruskin was a strong proponent of the former, while his contemporary, Eugène Viollet-le-Duc, advocated for the latter. In The Seven Lamps of Architecture, Ruskin writes :

"Neither by the public, nor by those who have the care of public monuments, is the true meaning of the word restoration understood. It means the most total destruction which a building can suffer: a destruction out of which no remnants can be gathered: a destruction accompanied with false description of the thing destroyed. Do not let us deceive ourselves in this important matter; it is impossible, as impossible as to raise the dead, to restore anything that has ever been great or beautiful in architecture."

This abhorrence for restoration is in marked contrast to Viollet-le-Duc who wrote that restoration is a "means to reestablish [a building] to a finished state, which may in fact never have actually existed at any given time."

Ruskin had a deep respect for Gothic architecture and old buildings in general. To him, the building's age was the most important aspect of its preservation: "For, indeed, the greatest glory of a building is not in its stones, not in its gold. Its glory is in its Age, and in that deep sense of voicefulness, of stern watching, of mysterious sympathy, nay, even of approval or condemnation, which we feel in walls that have long been washed by the passing waves of humanity.”

Mission in the Lake District - Langsdale Valley - an archaeology of the landscape

Field walking and learning from the persons who have studied entire environments (not just isolated "materials" or sites) is crucial. In this case, Prof. Mark Edmonds (Un. of York) was very important in order to explain to us the temporality of this landscape that he has studied for years.

Ana, João, Mark, Gonçalo and Lesley.

Mission in the Lake District - Mayburg Henge

Click on the image to enlarge and see the plan.

A central standing stone is now in the flat inner surface. All the monument should be excavated.

Notice how the surrounding external bank is made out of river pebbles.

In background, to the left of the house. The road has cut another henge.

A Reconstrução do Passado na Gulbenkian - 4 e 5 de Maio



É objectivo da Ciência derivar racionalmente as leis da Natureza que explicam o mundo e a nós próprios. A Cosmologia, a Física, a Química e a Biologia permitem hoje "reconstruir o passado" do Universo e da Terra, da Vida e do Homem, da Linguagem e da Sociedade. Uma série de conferências por especialistas mundiais pretende descrever esta trajectória evolutiva, tal como a ciência a apreende neste início do Século XXI.

O big bang
A origem da evolução darwiniana
A origem da vida celular
Os primeiros multicelulares
A origem dos humanos: ossos e pedras
A origem dos humanos: genomas
A evolução da linguagem
A reconstrução do passado

(contém programa detalhado)
É possível assistir em directo através da página da Gulbenkian:

Guia do Estudante - Pós-graduações, mestrados, doutoramentos

Saíu hoje em suplemento do Expresso.

Thornborough Henge - York


Long Meg and Her Daughters Stone Circle


Stone circles in the North of England


Landscape in Castlerigg Stone Circle, Lake District, England


Mission in England - Castlerigg Stone Circle (Grasmere) - UK

A plan and general explanation of the site (click to enlarge).

Aspects of the landscape where it is included.

To the left, an inner precinct.

João trying to phone to the past: "hello, why and what for have you done all this?"

Discussing next to an inner precinct.

One of the monumental "entrances".