"Collecting the New", por Susan Pearce
A 12 de Maio, 18h, Salão Nobre da Reitoria da U.Porto
No âmbito da visita da Professora Susan Pearce à U.Porto, convida-se toda a comunidade académica e público em geral a assistir à conferência "Collecting the New" que esta reconhecida investigadora da Universidade de Leicester proferirá no dia 12 de Maio de 2008, às 18.00h no Salão Nobre da Reitoria.
The kind of collecting often called 'extreme' is a subject now much on the minds of museum workers. Extreme collecting includes much old material collected outside Europe in a range of intellectual regimes, war material, and 'difficult' art. I wish to concentrate on the aspect of it which focuses on collections, like those of egg cups or football programmes which are of great importance to individuals, but have little or no 'value' in traditional terms.
What questions does this ask? How should this be curated and displayed?
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Contactos: Ana Martins
Telef: 220408193
Fonte: lista archport
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