Cambridge, Polity Press, 2002
Crucial book (of interviews) by Jaques Derrida and Bernard Stiegler
See (source of image above):
Quoting Derrida (p. 36):
"What the accelerated development of teletechnologies, of cyberspace, of the new topology of "the virtual" is producing is a practical deconstruction of the traditional and dominant concepts of the state and the citizen (and thus of "the political") as they are linked to the actuality of a territory. I say "deconstruction" because, ultimately, what I name and try to think under this word is, at bottom, nothing other than this very process, its "taking-place" in such a way that its happening affects the very experience of place, and the recording (symptomatic, scientific, or philosophical) of this "thing", the trace that traces (inscribes, preserves, carries, refers, or defers) the différance of of this event which happens to place [qui arrive au lieu] - which havens to take place, and to taking-place [qui annonce à (l') avoir-lieu]... "
A critical concept for me is the concept of ARCHIVE as developed by Derrida and others. It connects practically my "field" (net) of thoughts, as far as I understand it ... today.
See for instance:
"Infinite archives", paper by David F. Bell, in "SubStance", Special Issue: Overload. 105, vol. 33, no.3, 2004, p. 148-160.
Board of Regents, University of Wisconsin System.
A critical concept for me is the concept of ARCHIVE as developed by Derrida and others. It connects practically my "field" (net) of thoughts, as far as I understand it ... today.
See for instance:
"Infinite archives", paper by David F. Bell, in "SubStance", Special Issue: Overload. 105, vol. 33, no.3, 2004, p. 148-160.
Board of Regents, University of Wisconsin System.
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