domingo, 12 de janeiro de 2014

Zizek - Lisbon, April 2014


We accept proposals for papers to be presented to the conference "Living Dangerously - Colloquium ZIZEK " (Lisbon, Faculty of Arts, 10-11 April 2014). The aim of the symposium is to open a space for critical discussion of contemporary times having as background the perspectives of Slavoj Zizek, which should be taken as an interlocutor in particular readings of Hegel, Lacan and prospects linked to the contemporary (aesthetics , politics, ideology) .
To participate, you must submit a title and abstract to 300 words, accompanied by personal data (name, qualifications and institution), until February 15, 2014. Please send it to:
The list of selected proposals will be announced by the 20th of February 2014.
Papers should not exceed 20 minutes of exposure, to be followed by a discussion period . The official languages of the meeting are: Portuguese , Spanish, French , English and Italian .
Organising Committee: Antonio Caselas (CFUL) , Gonçalo Leite Velho ( IPT - Tomar) , José Caselas (CFUL) and Vítor Oliveira Jorge (University of Porto).

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